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/tech/ - Technology

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why is it so superior?


nobody cares about this ancient freetard trash besides a bunch of contrarian autist losers
imagine voluntarily using a terminal ui in 2023 lmfao


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>imagine voluntarily using a terminal ui in 2023 lmfao
I don't, I use GNU Emacs' gtk gui and rarely use emacs -nw for "terminal ui".


tsmt. Visual Studio won


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>Visual Studio
what the fuck is this soydev shit geg


everybody uses the GUI version geeg, immagine talking shit about things you dont know.


>github copilot LE BAD because... uh, IT JUST IS, OK!


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>>github copilot LE BAD because... uh, IT JUST IS, OK!


i cant paste or break lines in a html form in the eww buffer, any idea?


emacs moment.


user who doesnt know how to RTFM moment.


>i'm a JS soydev even doe it can do C


Don't you mean the GNU Info, a Embrace, Extend, Extinguish man replacement that is exclusively promoted by GNU and used in GNU projects.


nobody uses vscode vor c lol


I've scraped the entire manual and could not find anything


because once you start using it you understand how much more practical and productive is to do everything inside a cohesive enviroment.


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>visual studio


im talking about visual studio not vscode you retarded gorilla nigger




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I've never seen an emacs user that actually knew what they were doing.
vim's usecase is doing shit on cli-only servers where nano doesnt cut it.
Commercial workhorse IDE's job is actually developing software.
VScode, notepad++, atom and whatever fotm they use now are there when you want an IDE but less so.
emacs has no reason of being. Its userbase is all contrarian midwits with a community college level understanding of technology. They probably spend more time online arguing about why emacs is better than they spend actually using emacs.


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The most popular editor ever made is Scintilla embedded into a 3rd party editor. Notepad++, Notepad2, Notepad3, Keil uVision, MySQL Workbench, Komodo, Geany, CodeBlocks, etc.


don't forget GODblox

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