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/tech/ - Technology

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>making your program window smaller isn't going to make it run slower even though that'd make sense


what the fuck are you talking about, no this would not make sense you retard, take your meds
if i resize my window to 480p i still want it to run at the same speed
if anything, making it bigger would make it run slower if its a heavy program and it hogs your CPU/GPU
has this wintoddler never even heard of NICE?
do wintoddlers not have an equivalent and just run everything with the same priority?


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>even doe you're giving it less of your computer





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Touch grass lil nigga




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are you fucking retarded?
no it does not, it merely makes it take up less space on your monitor/framebuffer, you can completely move it into the background and it will still eat up the exact same resources, maybe a bit less if some 3d shit inside it gets rendered at a lower resolution, but for any normal program it doesnt do shit.
besides, 90% of your programs aren't even graphical, if for some reason you miss windows and want to add unnecessary latency and lag, you can put a sleep 1 && before everything you run
>grass frfr niggu shiee lil fo rea

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