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/tech/ - Technology

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File: 1689472724365.png (15.6 KB, 800x789, 1686700451600.png)ImgOps


>windows? why are you not using my half broken garbage OS like everyone else! just look at how good my os is!
>*desktop krashes*
>*package manager shits all over /home again*
>...after i reinstall...


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Remember what they took from you


>desktop crash
i dont use gayland or windows
>package manager shits over /home
never happens, at least not with any package manager i have used, no clue what wintoddlers use, if they have a package manager at all to begin with
your package manager will shit nicely and tidily into /bin, /usr/bin, and /etc.
this is a wintoddler cope because winshit becomes unbearably slow after 3 months of usage, it REQUIRES a reinstall.

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