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/tech/ - Technology

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>arch is the best distro ever made and i can prove it to you once i fixed my xorg conf file or however the neovagina is dilated


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waychads can't relate


X11gods are chortling at you right now


okay boomerware fix your xorg.conf


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>waychads can't relate


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>i must use dwm or however the screen tears


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>i must use dwl or however wayland eats up my cpu and ram


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>wayland is bloated because... IT JUST IS!!!


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ok sure, lets test and see if wayland is a cpu/ram hog
>Weston: %CPU 0.1, MEM 26.1 MB
>Xorg: %CPU 1.8, MEM 27.9 MB
Xorg has an advantage here in that it looks like shit by default (has no window decorations, font smoothing, or desktop background), and still gets outperformed by Wayland. Lmao.


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>Xorg has an advantage here in that it looks like shit by default (has no window decorations, font smoothing, or desktop background)


weston is a proof of concept and will never be usable as a real desktop
now compare something that is somewhat usable, like sway, to i3
or dwl to dwm
you don't have to install ALL of X11 to use it you know
having a fully fledged WM/DE using gayland will eat up at least a gig of ram, let alone all the bullshit mental illness it needs to get basic shit like audio, screen capture or screen sharing, key remapping, monitor modes (kek you can't do custom modelines either, no interlacing for you chud), etc etc...
in the end, X11 will be lighter than gayland, have better performance, and be more usable.


>Wayland trannies actually think its aryan when its freedesktop cuckware
Bet you think systemd is aryan too, faggot


dumbass freedesktop spawned to make xgay, wayland is a side project from those niggers


>The development work is being done in conjunction with the freedesktop.org community. The X.Org Foundation is the educational non-profit corporation whose Board serves this effort, and whose Members lead this work.
retarded faggot


there's no fucking escape from troondesktop, at least with gayland you've got a chance to run a display stack with 0 actual fagdesktop code unlike xorangutan


>conjunction with freedesktop.org
so they're pretty much the same set of troons. got it, nigger


>at least with gayland you've got a chance to run a display stack with 0 actual fagdesktop code unlike xorangutan
all wayland users are retarded faggots, i swear.


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>>conjunction with freedesktop.org
>so they're pretty much the same set of troons. got it, nigger



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>>>conjunction with freedesktop.org


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>>>>conjunction with freedesktop.org


>now compare something that is somewhat usable, like sway, to i3
>Sway - CPU% 1.6, MEM 31.5 MB
>i3 - CPU% 1.8, MEM 33.1 MB


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>File (hide): 1690071018792.jpeg (19.11 KB,256x256,IMG_0020.jpeg) ImgOps


did you actually make it usable doe, do you have audio, let alone screen capture or a working microphone?
DO compare the complete packet of X11+alsa+whatever to gayland+kikewire+kikewire-alsa+whatnot


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I sound like a faggot but where is proof for this?


wayland will only be worth using when they/them make HDR work
posted from sway


install any gayland compositor from the past 10 years and read the source code, then change the scale and observe what will happen
do the same for X11


you cant even create custom modelines...


wayland source

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