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/tech/ - Technology

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File: 1690078252126.png (461.19 KB, 709x649, crt chudjak.png)ImgOps


you have no phosphorus, you have no vacuum, you have no modelines. you are a forcefully progressive piece of shit twisted by non-strobed, blurry, and fixed-res images into a mockery of visual perfection. all the "validation" you get is half hearted and comes from gaymer faggots who cry about VGA ports missing from "their" modern GPUs. behind your back CRTs mock you for your disgusting motion blur, latency, fixed resolution, ugly unrealistic colours, full backlight without good blacks, or burnin. VGA ports are utterly repulsed by you, and even if you manage to trick a gaymer fagot into buying you, you will be thrown away a year later whenever he manages to get his hands onto a real monitor you will never achieve a low latency. you will never achieve zero motion blur. you will never have a freely scalable resolution, or refresh rate. you will never interlace. you will go back to the liquid crystals you came from, which is unmistakably plastic chinkshit. this is what you chose, CRTs are out of production, there is no going back.


you have no electron guns or coils either


shitty poorfag monitor + nigger lover thread do not reply

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