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Pray to god the catty isn't wiped again edition.
ok listen up, i have a rather ambitious plan, what if we made our own doom WAD? we could replace the sprites of the enemies, make new levels and add more guns
does anyone here have expierience in modding doom? if so, we will discuss the creation of this WAD
Doom modding guide for retarded chuds
First off, get doom 2.
https://archive.org/details/2020_03_22_DOOMSecondly, get gzdoom, SLADE and doombuilder.
https://zdoom.org/downloadshttps://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloadshttps://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=66745Gzdoom will be used because it's more powerful than regular doom and doesn't limit you to shitty doom file formats. SLADE is a file editor and Doombuilder is map creator.
Don't use .WAD, .PK3 archives are much better as they allow for file structures and some custom code stuff.
https://zdoom.org/wiki/Using_ZIPs_as_WAD_replacementHere is a basic guide to modding doom as well as getting high resolution textures working
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP2uvG640EEhttps://zdoom.org/wiki/GZDoomhttps://zdoom.org/wiki/TEXTUREShttps://zdoom.org/wiki/ZScript 158 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. №5475
bump again
This really will never be finished lol
>>5762I would start a mod page or something to crowd source assets from soy 'eens but I'm afraid of the retards trying to break everything. Membership would have to be tightly controlled to keep out the monkey-wrenchers and "questionable material" posters but that goes against the anarchic nature of the image board so it's an impossible dilemma.
anyone got a download for the latest version or whatever?
>>5763yeah there's this obsessed faggot from a 5 month old drama who's STILL following the mod. Xe's two posts above me. Xir thinks people have all day and a constant interest/will to make a project for fun.
start a gitgud perhaps. people shouldn't be able to pack anything into a pk3 that would actually compromise somebodies computer apart from things in the form of images/video/sound since the code is mostly contained.
>>5797https://anonfiles.com/X34fY2v3zc/SoomBETA_2_0_pk3 №5816
>>5805make it run with crispy-doom please, GigaZoomerDOOM is kiked and eats 20 times more resources than it actually needs
[fed@nsa ~] ~> crispy-doom -iwad /usr/local/share/games/doom/doom2.wad -file /home/fed/Downloads/SoomBETA_2.0.pk3
Crispy Doom 6.0.0
Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon.
zone memory: 0x7f1a6879e010, 32 MiB allocated for zone
Using /home/fed/.local/share/crispy-doom/ for configuration and saves
V_Init: allocate screens.
M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
saving config in /home/fed/.local/share/crispy-doom/default.cfg
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/doom2.wad
merging /home/fed/Downloads/SoomBETA_2.0.pk3 !
Warning: Truncated 'SoomBETA_2.0.pk3' lump name to 'SOOMBETA'.
loaded 0 DEHACKED lumps from PWAD files.
DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
Crispy Doom is free software, covered by the GNU General Public
License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are welcome to change and distribute
copies under certain conditions. See the source for more information.
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
Loaded 222 music substitutions from config files.
I_InitSound: SDL audio driver is pulseaudio
NET_Init: Init network subsystem.
M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - [.......................................]
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
S_Init: Setting up sound.
I_SDL_PrecacheSounds: Precaching all sound effects........................
D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.
startskill 2 deathmatch: 0 startmap: 1 startepisode: 1
player 1 of 1 (1 nodes)
Emulating the behavior of the 'Doom 1.9' executable.
HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.
ST_Init: Init status bar.
S_ChangeMusic: D_DM2TTL (doom2.wad)
S_ChangeMusic: D_RUNNIN (doom2.wad)
P_SetupLevel: MAP01 (doom2.wad) Hard 0:00:00/0:00:00 Doom (BSP)
warning: queue 0x5628eb593370 destroyed while proxies still attached:
wl_callback@45 still attached
wl_surface@31 still attached
>>5816Let the mod get made first
>>5828it will be easier to keep making it with non-ZoomerDOOM sourceports (like crispy-doom) in mind, im not even asking you to go full autism and make it vanilla compatible or anything, just compatible with normal doom sourceports that don't look like pic rel
yes, pic rel is a wad called total chaos, and this is running in gzdoom.
this is the kind of fucked up shit gzdoom was designed for, not replacing some sprites with chudjaks screaming nigger, and replacing a few weapons and enemies with funnier soy counterparts like nooses. if you dont want to do crazy shit like pic rel, you don't need zdoom, period.
there are zero downsides to making your mods compatible with other normal sourceports (that are limit removing and not autistic like chocolate-doom)
keep going
keep going
Is the project dead?
keep working!
Whats the most recent WAD?
Bump again
>>8088embedded 'p in the troon model
>>8088Nice work on the gitgud teen, will check this out when I have a conputer and give you some feedback
bumpy bump
>>6232betas are a thing for this exact reason
>>5816>GigaZoomerDOOM is kiked and eats 20 times more resources than it actually needslzdoom is a thing
for the love of god
make the gameplay mod and the map seperate
i want to be able to use this shit with other maps
>>9187Noone cares
>>9190Literally what theyre doing retard
SOOM DEV BUILD - Version 1.1(1.2 in readme)-Added casings to tec 9, mac10 and tnd smg
-Added diamond rifle
-Overhauled the coal launcher - again
-The Chudcoaler's grenades are faster, making him more dangerous
-Moved the weapon picker to the core scripts, why not?
-Calm pill was pretty useless. Replaced with '4cuck' pill. Unethically sourced health.
-SuperSproke does 'Sproke' damage and has a 'Sproke' puff
-Sproke damage is the most effective against Fingerboys
-The Fruitjak Mentos altfire also deals Sproke damage
-And more...
(Not autistic enough to log every change)Check it out here >>8088 №9217
>>9194nigger you're complaning about performance with gzdoom, lzdoom has all its benefits with better performance and more graphic settings, you just outed yourself as some contrarian chudlet nigger kike that doesnt give a shit about the fucking wad and cares more about puritan bullshit
Keep bumping