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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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As a stopgap against CP, image uploading is effectively disabled, and all boards except /soy/ are locked. We are actively working on a more permanent solution to stop CP.

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janny trannies dont you fucking dare hit me with a ban for posting offtopic content after this homo no nas rule on /soy/ is over


No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.


Get raped froggod


Agreed on all except /qa/ and /nate/
/qa/ is for general NAS and /nate/ is just a trash can


This was meant to reply to the chud talking about combining boards


Delete the thread then


OP is mentally retarded give xir a break


nuh uh
everything should be allowed on /qa/ such as tnd, 'cado and 'reamybull

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Seriously no board here is really fit for readers who wish to share their thoughts about books they've read,recommend and discuss various topics.I beg of you doll or any mod here to forward the message. All posts under this thread will help contribute to that cause.(reposted because forgot to add a subject)
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just post it on >>>/health/


ehh I dont see the compatibility
/sci/ is not good for you?



This, but keep it for one weekend only. If it's good then make it permanent


Well it's a compromise. If most here aren't interested then I can do nothing. It's like im gonna talk to myself. Maybe we need to raise a poll.
Most teens don't the sci part and are only there for /g/ stuff. Discussing literature will get way less traction than soyence threads there

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>btw if you don't suck our dick hard enough we will ban you for the worst reasons possible


No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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I actually felt bad for kuz here. I think afrer he got aids he realized imageboards are a waste of time and regretted not having kids
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you are such a retarded gorilla nigger if you believe anything xe says


True, kuz lies as he breathes



guys when will that interview with kuz happen? it was some kind of russian media thing remember


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Yuri Kuznetsov was an extremely disgusting gay pedophile that molested several young boys. Then he used his money and fame to buy his way out of all his sickening child molestation crimes. May that perverted, ugly, filthy, tranny loving, datamining, child raping, banana obsessed, drug addicted, aids-riddled, russian faggot bastard burn in the hottest fires of hell forever! His brainless fans also burn in hell for supporting the most disgusting child molester that ever lived.

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did doll really spend over 10k on this site before ruining it with soypuritan no nas on /soy/
he really doesnt understand this site’s spirit at all


Enlighten us


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>Enlighten us


this is really embarrassing you’d think this site is antithetical to rulefags


now /soy/ just feels like newteens playing pretend in a controlled environment with their ias - it feels sanitised and unironically soulless. theres no chaos and that doesnt make sense for a site like this


No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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Addressing One Doll - Administrator and Site Manager of Soyjak.Party and auxiliaries
We the soyteens, having found the implementation of the so named "IAS only" declaration to be lacking, hereby present an amendment, which through careful review has been deemed apt to secure the justness of the policy and prevent any misapplication before it arises.
The proposed amendment is as follows:
"Any image posted on /soy/ which can be reasonably deduced as an edit of an existing IAS variant (see definition below) shall be permitted even if it does not adhere to the 3/6 soy traits rule.
In this amendment an IAS variant can be defined as a soyjak variant which meets the following requirements:
1. The base soyjak variant from which the edit is made must meet 5 out of the 6 required soy traits.
2. The soyjak variant must be popular enough to be named on soybooru and recognizable enough to be clearly seen as such upon first viewing.
3. Subvariants will be judged by the base subvariant, NOT the base soyjak. This prevents posting of NAS such as Soylita which is an edit of Gapejak but is clearly NAS."

This amendment serves to allow a wider range of soys to be posted while preventing unjust deletion. Under the current rules for example, an image of a smiling Markiplier Soyjak riding a speedboat against the backdrop of a Miami sunset, his hair blowing in the wind, would not be considered IAS despite the clear presence of an iconic and clearly recognizable soyjak variant. By limiting these exceptional cases to variants that are named, recognizable, and not subvariants, we prevent loophole usage of this amendment to post NAS under the excuse of it existing on the booru with 5 posts.
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I'm going to spread the word you incel fuck


maybe your suggestion is just retarded so nobody touches it




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Doll do this
Also allow Chudjak on /soy/, we are literally named Chud by default and it is the most popular variant on the 'ru come on


Those aren't my threads, I'm just saying people spam /q/ all the time and it never works.

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This website is going to shit. How do i stop using it?


you can't
soyjak party parasite now in your brain


im thinking of blocking it and making an effort to do other things. Should be easier with an upcoming job though


You have to use anti-soy serum


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I’ve come to grips with the ‘jakker from within me. I can’t get rid of it. It’s about managing your time more wisely, not letting it get out of hand. Try to limit your self to 2 hours a day, and then one hour. Whatever works for you, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your social life, job, routine or career. You get the point, wean off the site gradually like you would with pills. Best of luck

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Doll buy soyak.party domain


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Classics win




he owns it but its going to take 60 days until we can transfer it to dolly server or something

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Thanks doll for making /soy/ IAS after
>Being told to do it for a year
>Letting your jannies ban every soyteen
>banning sharty culture
>Killing raiding
>letting the board get raped by bots
>being shit at dealing with 'p
>letting trannies infest and replace 'teens
>selling the site to a random nobody (probably a fed)
>Letting /trash/ tier freaks like red take power
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weak bait, kill yourself


go back to your dead website


the sharty? Also no one uses the j*rty. Thats the biggest cope.
It's a different website now, that's all




anything the qafe(tm) approves of

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