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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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As a stopgap against CP, image uploading is effectively disabled, and all boards except /soy/ are locked. We are actively working on a more permanent solution to stop CP.


Doll please for the love of god make it so jannies have to include proof in every ban

Made through Tor


doesnt work you freak
you are already being shown what you were banned for in the said ban page
unless of course doll turned that off
in which case lmao even the absolute state

Made through Tor

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A janny is revealing himself and he is stalking every post of mine wtf


Fuck off


i'm in your walls, you can't run away you little bitch

Made through Tor




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Make TORkikes have a 🧅 next to their name (like flags) instead of the signature on their post.
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


gemmy idea though



I agree. Doll, do this.


gemmy idea


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what's the point of /q/ if you're just going to delete the posts you don't like, faggot janny?


no one look like this


Frogposters must DIE


at what occasion does this frog get used what the fuck is this supposed to represent




janny cleans it up for free

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Can we ban the natespammer? If xhe hates this website so much it won't really matter if xhes banned


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 111243Locked[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Good evening teens, I am DOLL, the owner of the party and the booru. You may use this thread to ask me questions about the site, status of the various teams, and improvements we may make to the community. I work long hours during the week but I will do my best to check in here to respond to questions.
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>I put a faggot in charge of the jannies and now I'm getting rid of him! fucking worship me!
Nobody is falling for your Sejanus-and-Tiberius bullshit



interesting move dolly doo, just make sure it doesn't cause you any more stress than you currently have


Unban TND


you're a squid now?????

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Can we remove these posts already?


Even doe some of them are gemmy


/mtv/ has been great cuz some threads like music genre generals get buried on /soy/

stop listening to jokesters asking for /dawla/ and /giga3/


Umm no?


Atleast with /mtv/ the threads that will slide fast on /soy/ gets to have their own place of niche. Both giga and dawla (larp) shouldn't exist.

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 105341Locked[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In this thread, you can ask questions to the various moderators and the manager of the moderation team, Red. If you have complaints about the team or have other feedback on how they are handling problems with the site, feel free to tell them here. I give permission to all mods to use their capcode in this thread only, and although mods may speak as part of the mod team, only Red is permitted to speak on behalf of the mod team itself.
Red is also permitted to punish any staff that does not adhere to the rules or unnecessarily creates drama within this thread.
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name colors are based on rank, not identity
admin = red
manager = pink
developer = blue
mod = purple

Made through Tor


this will never, ever, ever, ever happen no matter how much those troons try to force their NAScoal


I dont know if it's your jannies or the users but euro hours are insufferable niggercoal dust brimstone dogshit straight out of niggerhell and it is like this everyday until amerlilards come on. Its been this way since kuz era.
Do any jannys have any thoughts on this or am I just a fucking schizo because I sincerely believe this


If doll adds /pony/ the sharty will be deader than a nigger with white mans knee on his neck. The only
Solution is a ban of all brony coal era like in the olden days


Thread is no longer needed as I will be the new manager for the moderation team until a new candidate is found to take my place.

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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Have them go through an html portal that denies proxy connections.


And set up a reverse proxy


your picture gives me tor oldfag nostalgia


even doe I’m like 19


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Coal peel is taking over the sharty and needs to be held accountable

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