Chud 08/06/23 (Sun) 15:40:27 № 111184
admins are dumb niggers though
Chud 08/06/23 (Sun) 16:47:50 № 111188
>delete boards now what? you've solved nothing. nobody's going to talk about healthy living or psychedelic drugs on the technology board
Chud 08/06/23 (Sun) 18:54:07 № 111194
>>111188 it's the science board though
Chud 08/06/23 (Sun) 19:57:38 № 111201
>>111166 >kys retard why though? no one uses the raid board for raids, all raids are done in soy, is raid supposed to be some sort of archive?
>>111188 >now what? you've solved nothing made the site less cluttered and better looking
and its not deleting boards its just merging them together
Chud 08/06/23 (Sun) 22:25:23 № 111213
>>111201 even doe the op can delete derailment on /raid/ which can lead to things actually happening (like with the goonclown thread)