Chud 08/08/23 (Tue) 04:37:54 № 112161
No, just means more people might come and assimilate. There will be far more traditional, remaining soyteens on the website than anyone else who chooses to stay on it for an extended amount of time. That will force them to rather indulge themselves into reading about 'party culture and history or leave and go back to wherever they came from.
Chud 08/08/23 (Tue) 06:51:26 № 112180
They’ll probably be a wave of tourists kinda like with the ‘blox shit. They’ll forget about it after a day or 2 and then business as usual
Chud 08/08/23 (Tue) 07:26:06 № 112183
There will simply be a period of a few days where we get lots of clueless tourists. But shortly thereafter they will either leave or begin assimilating and then we’ll have business as usual. I see it as a glass half full because the new gods will produce some accidental gems
Chud 08/08/23 (Tue) 08:12:35 № 112187
>>111617 xe said xe isnt going to make a video on it