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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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As a stopgap against CP, image uploading is effectively disabled, and all boards except /soy/ are locked. We are actively working on a more permanent solution to stop CP.

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The fact that there is "chan"in the name tells you a lot about the state of the site.
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You do know this was made by Kuz and was given to DOLL right?


this, chans are weebshit and cringe, should be soy.site


>the shite


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>Xhe was right


chan stands for channel not the japanese word

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New ‘toss
19 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what gemeralds?


Relevant can't wait for the next gem


Poignant political commentary


Sad Trvthnuke



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How do I transfer my old scripts here?


you can use a cookie manager to extract old cookies from soyjak.party


File: 1691619587582.gif (122.29 KB, 554x400, 1683800153903.gif)ImgOps

I added the new domain in the script and it works I should be fine


what scripts u using froggy


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Add these 2 lines

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huh? what?

I'm way too tired to make noise but still, what the fuck?


not janny but i think tranime isn't cp retard


all of what I reported wasn't tranime, it was actual real 'p

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Autoremove anything with "nu" in it or you're picrel
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didn't know the site was still up on soychan.org until a friend told me, almost died going 36 hours without soyjak.party


either this week or nev3r


I need a recap what happened?

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give everyone janny powers when doll isn't home.

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not even perma banning pedophiles
fucking lynch those fuckers
24 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



yep xhes mindbroken



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its just bait probably no one is that stupid

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I dont want to even browse the site if it's called soychan. anyone else feel the same?


calm down pissbaby, it'll be changed back in a few days. this is just temporary


I don't.


I do.


COE of selfish right there


What's wrong with it? Does it remind you of 4chan too much?

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my schizo conspiracy theory is that the shartroon spammer is also the babybot spammer


you're correct

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