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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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Will racebait ever truly be gone?


As long as we all exist, and as long as the nations and different peoples exist, then yeah race baiting would never leave the sharty.
You could say that the only way to solve this is TPD (total people death), but that's cringe

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newGOD here, how do I save the 'arty?
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look at how he moved this /q/ so no one will see it. that what they do




>oh someone saw the retard mods avoiding the question like fucking idiots
>better move it before he mentions Doll gave everyone a fake RUSSIAN name even tho he worked in the US airforce


NewGOD here too, doing my best to help create the gem that will save the sharty


remember to always publish your gems in the 'booru and not twitter.

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>go into the shitposting website
>get banned
the future of the sharty everyone
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


negated tranny




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everything except gore spam and coomer spam (and spam in general) should be allowed


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i do this


TSMT, but good luck with properly implementing that in the real world

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Doll please open /goon/


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Hi chuddy, transgirl from the previous thread here, you wanted a thigh pic, pic rel, just for you~


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love it yt boi. Please slide to my dms and you be my bbc slut for now….


amazing! how long have you been on E? im 17 and its been 4 years.


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Isn't that just >>>/nate/

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>some janny is supposedly a tranny
>soyvil war, TNDcord and TROONcord are spamming the 'catty
>chaos, people dont like doll's decisions
is it over?
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Hi doll, we all know the truth, you hired cecegem as a moderator


doll said he put on a voice, just like he did last stream


doll needs to read the thread himself and stop having janny read the questions


yeah and that said 4cuck jannies and moderators werent trannies either. eventually it got to be such an open secret they dont hide it anymore.


Soon poopsen will arrive. Then all chuds will become sissies, all soyteens will become black bvlls, babies will become 4cuckers and the great judgment will come from the dolly doll himself. Screenshot my post, because there will be more prophecies and even more prophecies of a poopsen followers

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i like the idea of 'jakkers spontaneously coming together to talk about the meta of this site, it should be a general or something


another one popped up while i was making this post

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 106352[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>groomercord won
what exactly did you win? getting your proxies banned? slightly derailing a thread? having Doll + team 4 near in on your dox?
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Fatcat do you have Mao's discord user ID?


Bumping for viewability when e-celebs drop by and they can be updated

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Add art that teens to ban Pages.


no arrow therefore youre the trad chud




That's trad

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latest toss in a series of tosses (could it be the end of the sharty?)
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I just took a poopie in the gman soylet


Its over for gooners


tom doesn't have the worse fan base so it could be worse


yeah. make it distracting so that the site's unbrowsable.


>(could it be the end of the sharty?)
no, and i really hope he expose the sharty to everyone on twitter and the internet
this is no longer your sekrit club
cope harder
your site will become popular
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>soyjak.discord in 2023
>you can't post any creative soyjak on the soyjak board
>everyone gets banned for whatever nuanced rule the current mod comes up with in his mind
keeeeeeeeeeek this place is doomed with all the janny interference, a shitposting site on which you can't shitpost anymore, sad


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>b-but your so called "shitposting" was GORE, or TRANNIES, or maybe BLACKED
no it wasn't, you are just searching for random boogeymans while trying to deny reality, this site is doomed like this to turn into a generic reddit 4cuck clone


i agree with what you said but you are a cordson poster and you are also a descriptive filename tranny therefore i am forced to disagree


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New toss


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>posting nas gore and racebait
>gets banned
that's a good thing

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