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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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As a stopgap against CP, image uploading is effectively disabled, and all boards except /soy/ are locked. We are actively working on a more permanent solution to stop CP.

File: 1691629758590.mp4 (1.12 MB, 230x254, dancing_swede.mp4)ImgOps


I got perma banned on my home ip 132.147.x.x for posting a neutralplier gif, can a mod undo it?


Look at this goofy ass nigga complainin bout DAT doll respentaiton sar you got you ASS fucked raw by Doolllyyy''sss pecka nigga stupid ass white boi mutha fucka reperations


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Total tranny buck breaking now
sodomize troons with buck cock then buck break the buck


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the same thing happened to me but i evade all my bans


Just move to a new house lol


stop banning me for no reason im going to keep evading and you cant stop me


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Where’s the ‘jak doe


Based hacker

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I cant load /soy/ catalog.
My connection is not a problem because everything works fine every board every post apart from /soy/ fix it


!!tnd!! @@tnd@@ #tnd# $$tnd$$ tnd ^^tnd^^ &&tnd&& tnd ++tnd++ –tnd–







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WTF is "soyjaks party" change it back


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>Should nas gore and racebait threads be permitted on /soy/ again?
Why are you lumping gore together with racebait. kys
I'm just supposed to post cado assholes I guess. only thing permitted for whatever reason. Oops, forgot ponys
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes and yes


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can rulefags fuck off
it’s so embarrassing how much this resembles the path 4chan took


Gore no
Racebait yes as long as its sfw


polish tranny

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Doll open /an/
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


There are plenty on animaljaks tho


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/atwa) is coming you selfish babies

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new stonetoss political comic
6 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Cease posting this NAS coal instantly.



she's right


Technically IAS but practically the dustiest brimstone i've ever seen, especially since that image you keep posting is the only time i've ever seen it posted.


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I’ve seen others

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How can I add background on the User CSS? I don't remember it


Idk reskin the glownigger background

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When did jannies got so pozzed?. I tried to gem up some furfag and pony treads in /qa/ and got banned. This wouldn't have happened a few months ago
37 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


furshit, pedoshit, etc


>why r der nas threads on the nas board???
gee i wonder, this is a truly mind boggling question, you'd need to be a real grade A smarty to figure this one out


stop samefagging tranny


the schizophrenic resorts to namecalling



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Why was the domain changed?


Kys avatarfag


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please stfu….die please..die…..you…killed…this fucking site. you fucking bitch…please….it was already good enough for a couple months………


That's our well known famous mascot, newfaggot.


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>>>113404 (You)
>That's our well known famous mascot, newfaggot.


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