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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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As a stopgap against CP, image uploading is effectively disabled, and all boards except /soy/ are locked. We are actively working on a more permanent solution to stop CP.

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I want a board where Dolly-doo reads our messages and responds to us the way he normally would.


We have q

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give us a frog name field, i dont want to be a soicuck


tsmt add the frog name and shadowban everyone using it




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>I don’t want to be a soycuck

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I take a one week break from the sharty and this happens.
Fuck Doll. Fuck Niggers. Fuck trannies.
It's all over.



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Pls unban im sorry
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Im sory tho



how are they illegal jannyGOD


Shovel dog is not illegal


if its a dog getting hit by a shovel that is animal abuse not much different than bmt imo

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>hires one of the worst mods/managers (red)
>pesters angeleno to have the wiki hosted on his server for some fucking reason, this causes the wiki to go down when the sharty goes down and it completely broke some images after today's DDOS
>spends more time making boards that people will stop using after a week than trying to stop bot attacks
>Sells the fucking site to some drug dealer non-teen
Jartycvcks were right, your a fucking terrible admin, i can't believe i supported you and planned giving you a thousand dollars a month.


Red was a mod before doll you fat beaner


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I liked red before he started his autistic crusade against frogs


DOLL wasn't the one that approached me btw.


stop taking every word as God's honest truth. he was probably messing with you and you fell for it. its okay to have a sense of humor.

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I wonder who's behind the DDOS attack?


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I think its the tranny doing it


Who knows, but it's definitely a tranny

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11 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>How about insteadof being a 'cord tranny you soyquote at jannies or just call them niggers like the rest of us.


Point out a single grammatically issue.


Besides the missing space between "instead" and "of" and the missing the , after you. Those don't count, beyotch.


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Erm can you stop soyquoting us and tell us why you think your ban was unjust or something


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Is it possible for a rich teen to rent out a botnet and hand over all IP's to the mods?

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>the bot is still managing to get through the captcha
Maybe use lesser known captchas that haven't been broken through yet?


Kolyma captcha


He's getting through cloudflare at its max.
He's very sophisticated.

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Clear cookies


just wokeuperinos

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