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/a/ - Anime

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Oh my god she is so attractive



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how much do you spend on anime discs and anime merchandise soys?


Literally zero, I pirate or stream everything

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anyone know what anime is from


MHA, its the banana man superhero


Boku no pico

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Nigga she's NUTS


Damn nigga that's NUTS


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I look like this and say this


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Konata on the front page!
32 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Bumping this gem though




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What message was were artists trying to present and express when they animated this scene?

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I'm gonna watch the newest season of reddit the anime, hopefully it's tolerable.


>reddit the anime
Steins;Gate is getting another season?


garfeild lol


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>I'm gonna watch the newest season of reddit the anime
Garfield is gemmy doe, why refer to it as a reddit anime?


muh dick


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>Reddit anime even doe Megumeme is gemmy, cute, and funny….

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3dpd gem


Oh my

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These are hardly even characters.

They're all just weak fuckdolls who exist to either be the self-insert MC's pet that worship his cock or as strawmen that the MC can preach and talk down to (because they really just represent some idea Nisio is angry about, so he puts these ideas in the form of a woman he can abuse and humiliate and blame) and declare his superior enlightenment and control and intellect as a man. The love interest? She's nothing but a genderbent version of Nisio himself. The kind of character who would think every thing he thinks and would do exactly everything he would do, do everything "right" according with his ideals, the kind of love interest a total narcissist in love with himself, would write. In love with the sound of his own voice.
They're so hollow.
It's not about their stories at all, it's all just about building up Araragi.
Masturbatory in every way.


>these are hardly even characters because- Look just because they are, okay!


Redditcoal go back there
monkey good btw



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my wife momoko and i bid farewell to the sharty!
i, for one, welcome the shangy

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