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kissing the bf edition
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I got a shitty short haircut like I do every 6 months or so, so now I dont look like a cute twink but like a retard zoom zoom with a little doodoo pile on the top of my head. It will take like 2 weeks for me to look like a person again I dont even want to go outside now


doll create /cm/




it's HIV

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You watch to much daily morning on how to kill yourself show, take your meds coomer


Literally a Soy experience


all of these posts look like they're written by a bot kys


I liked the part where Yelena got personally beaten up with her arm literally physically broken by the commander in chief of the Marleyan army, since she would not admit to him that she abandoned her Shitalian Marleyan husband for her preference, Eren's ginormous Germanic BWC


She is 6 foot 2 inches so that writes like facts

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Who would his top anime waifu be?
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Either Asuka or Historia


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I was thinking either Asuka or Winry Rockbell


Misa Amane of course




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my wife momoko


welcome back

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Kaiji thread
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Based Kaiji


when are we getting back to the heckin goombling im tired of this SOL shit


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What artist?


is that ayy lmao outside



It does look like an alien


click on ImgOps at the top right

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This board will probably never hit page limit ever again.
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It will in a month, however you will never have sex.


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Tell that incel


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trans rights


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Yes I get my generic pepe from google images how could you tell


dumb frogposter

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>8 threads

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