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Japan has fallen


All those NTR doujins will finally be real


…or so I've heard

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my wife momoko


God isn’t real get over it


seethe satan

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Why all troons like touhou pc 98?
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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also meirafag stinky dirty only someone devious like seiga would bring back such plain character back


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>she likes girls
another proof that pc 98 fanbase is over and tranny ridden


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oh it seems janny deleted pic where Rikako being fucked by nigger futa lolis. but hear ye faithful: touhou pc 98 fans are all either into nigger cocks or are troons

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Xister, we are on sharty



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How do you sage a board?
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Marge, do sharty and 'ru hate each other or something

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anime girls and vtubers killing themselves general



even though this thread would piss off animecucks


if/when a vtuber troon actually acks xemself on livestream imagine how meme'd that would be

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you will NOT go insane
you will NOT seek power
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Honestly I agree, it had potential to have more energy to it like say Kill la Kill but failed at being interesting. The whole thing felt like a total bore despite the interesting premise and world, wasted potential.
Oh well….


51 episodes weren't enough you selfish little fuck?


it has a pretty ok anime-only ending though


No you braindead tranny. Go dilate to lucky star.


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>No you braindead tranny. Go dilate to lucky star.

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I've never seen this series, but I keep reading that it's fantastic and a top tier anime, is it really that good?


Probably just nostalgia but it is better than most creature collecting anime

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