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3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




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meds + vaccine


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'ri on the 'og




she hung herself because no black men were left to satisfy her, many such cases

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Why doesn't anyone care for this series?


Racketsports are for fags


I’ve watched other sports ones but that’s middle school so I just wanna move on from them for now. There’s a translated DS game for prince of tennis if you care


anutha shonen


someone tell me what happened in the end

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Berserk will never be finished.
Guts lost.
Griffith won.
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Guts took BBC seed which is why he's so strong


Who are you quoting?


I see you are confused as to the use of the greentext feature. Let me break it down for you:
>A website or application can visually display the earlier posts in a response chain.
>In the 1980s, this was not possible, they would only send raw text.
>A poster would manually type a greater than symbol followed by the post he was responding to, before pressing a downline and typing his own post.
>In 1995 a Japanese language wesbite called "Strange World" was created, that used this system, turning the text green.
>In 2001 a version of this site that allowed images to be attached, called 2chan, was created.
>In 2003 a version of this site in English was created, called 4chan.
>In 2006 4chan added a quote link feature, turning greentext quotes into a vestigal feature.
>Though sometimes used to specify which segment of the post the poster is responding to, they also took on a new use: bulletpoint stories and lists.


new pasta just dropped


Esoteric internet lorerald

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>90% original material instead of erverything being based on a manga
>High budget
>people with aertistic visions who cared about the medium and wanted to tell a good story wit morals
>hand drawn
>0 pandering to otaku and commercialism
>no filler
>mecha was good
>anime film originals, not just from ghibli.


Spoonfeed me the name please


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Of the picture in the OP?
Its from gundam you absolute newchud.

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Kizu Darake no Jinsei
>no isekai (God forgive me for mentioning the devil)
>no troony male characters
>no stupid mary sue story
>good art
>story feels real and akin to life. story subtly teaches you about good values and why are they important which you will never find in vast majority of goyslop anime
Best thing i have read so far. Can anyone suggest anything like that?
>inb4 berserk


Kaiji, but you better watch anime


Thanks for the suggestion. Gonna watch it.
Have anyone read Oyaji btw?


What I read and can recomend
Adolf Ni Tsugu manga(WW2, hitler is in it for only 1 chapter though)
Pluto(not tezuka but his character)
Koroshiya 1(really fucked up
20th century boy
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Gonna read the manga you recomended, also I havent read the post before replying so you probably wont like most of the things I recomended but nobody can help, picky snoby faggots anyway lol.


erm meds

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New 'toss


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I ❤ my wife


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I ❤ my nigger

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your thoughts?


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Even though I haven't actually watched it yet… But I do intend to.


no thoughts


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>no thoughts


>a toast, to that new BLACKED kino that just dropped
Why did reinhardo say that?


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>>a toast, to that new BLACKED kino that just dropped
>Why did reinhardo say that?

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ITT girls built for yuri


I'm literally married to her in Azur Lane doughie


She will never by a Natural Tranny (but she will turn black "men" into them).


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>ITT girls built for yuri
/k/ den


BBC girl


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>BBC girl

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can someone PLEASE find/make more lucky start soyjaks please i need them
12 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>moeshit was mid
What a hot take nigga


the first episodes are still funny though


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BBC mating dance


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>BBC mating dance

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