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/a/ - Anime

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Is Mahiro sharty approved?
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built for passionate white love


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Built for BWC


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>Is Mahiro sharty approved?


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anime website albeit
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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They look funny when you pull on them


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pat pat


COB ## Moderator

Moved to >>>/a/


Captain cob

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is Bocchi any good?
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




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BZC slut


>Is tranime any good?


Ra ra URA


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hug and kiss bocchers

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Post what you look like


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I look like this

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Made this nagatoro drawing 2 days ago, how would you guys rate it?
28 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Made for BBC


Yep, another gem.


pretty good


traced coal


ur mom

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Made this nagatoro drawing 2 days ago, how would you guys rate it?

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>that time of a year when Im really depressed and cant do anything to stop it
Anime for this feel, other than Eva.
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>>that time of a year when Im really depressed and cant do anything to stop it
It's called Winter, get over it faggot.


It's summer, dumbass


Le 14 year old "depression"


post tummy



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le vocaloid shota
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I love shotas


Ummmm Mis. this isn't Crystal cafe.


Even doe crystal cafeQUEENS are always welcome here on the sharty….


You make a fine point, I'm gonna go to Crystal cafe and apologize for the soyjak spam I posted there.



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my wife momoko

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god I wish I was in this situation
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she's black only, sorry


Me too


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Algerian coal thread, also this was already made.


Is this the garupan thread



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