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>The slice of life scenes in Higurashi are... led bad! even doe the whole series is about it's likable cast of characters and how sad it is when things go bad for them, which wouldn't hit as hard if you weren't as familiar with their personalities and personal lives. Also I have ADHD btw, not sure if that matters. By the way I love Umineko because it has much less SOL (slice of life) and because it has trans representation!


Makes no sense, ADHD folx are filtered by Umineko


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true, im just shitposting, i like umineko anyways


When she seas the bbc or something

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favorite simpsons episode?


The one where Homer falls into 9ther dimension behind the shelf. And the one where he drinks TPP MUCH and Marge is angry at him


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I have only seen the ones that 'ritic put on his list, and I agree with him.


The one where Homer begins challenging everyone around him to duels after seeing it happen in a film. Most people back down, until Homer meets an old-fashioned Colonel who takes him up on his dare. Unable to get out of the contest with the Colonel, Homer and his family flee to the country, where they become farmers. Farm life is difficult until Homer creates a new crop called Tomacco."


The Halloween spiecal with The Shining, Time Travel Hijinx, and Cannibalism


That's one of my favorites too. I especially like the farmers at the feed and seed store. I forget what it's called.

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my waifu momoko thoughever


nice wife

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Any VNs about dating a cute futanari?


Boku no pico


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bernd und das rätsel um unteralterbach


male dicks are gay, also thats not a vn




Chaos na Karada W ~Futanari Ninshin Jikken

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I'm gonna try to read the entire slam funk manga before this kino hits cinema in my cunt
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>...is le bad even though it's good


this looks faggy as fuck




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It's the GOAT sports manga. Pure kino from start to end. You're missing out chud


I thought doing the same but then I saw the trailer and it's all made in 3D slop. No thanks

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>ywn witness 'saka irl




both have big booties

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Why are we like this aryanime bros???


Why are you like this OP?


I think it's cause I can draw



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Bro knows Victoria's secret
Bro knows who asked
Bro named his grandparents
Bro tells his parents to clean his room
Bro tells his mom to wash the dishes
Bro know what da dog doin
Bro knows why Amber Heard pooped
Bro knows Obama's last name
Bro United the states
Bro cuts his barber's hair
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Should I watch Gintama? I like Sugita's voice and Gin seems like a 100% badass

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Not sure if that tranny is still here but a year ago I said to a Rola troon that couldn't even climb a mountain, and he chelanged me to do it.
Sorry it took me do long but this sunday I'm going to do it. Wait for a picture with a time stamp.
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Climbed another smaler one today, no time stamp though.
Dabbing on trannies.


what country




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Go on /out/ and try and tell them about how many anime you've watched

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