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why are anime girls so racist?
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That's just how they are.


insane cope



im not a commie and not a marxist therefore wrong pic albeit


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>insane cope

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>>fuck anime or however Muhammad raped children


even tho some sandniggerGODS like the argelian guys and other in the 'arty like anime albeit


3rd world countries do this


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gem that btfo the muzzie arab troons

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Here's why:
-Promotes pedophilia
-Promotes homosexuality
-Promotes cross-dressing and transgenderism
-Promotes lust/coomerism
-It is emasculating; It markets girly/cutesy shit to men, degrading their masculinity in the process. If you are a grown man listening to an underage girl with a high-pitched voice singing about cutesy shit, you need to re-evaluate your life.
-Gets men attracted to cartoon women, diverting their focus from attaining relationships with real women in the process. If we want to rebuild the white family and raise white birthrates, banning anime will help.
-Non-Western; Whites should stick to Western media media as much as possible in order to preserve their culture.

Now what about the common counter-arguments?
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Do weabs really think that LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Moeshit has ruined the image of anime


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>no i want my animated 13 year old waifu!!


im a nigger though


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>Shonen makes shonentards seethe
What did he mean by this


This anime is for goofy cartoonGODS only. DBZ/Naruto drooling shonentards need not apply


why do people still watch this shonenslop


name 1(one) anime


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One piece is the most overrated trash ever and the only thing good in this episode is kaido

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 28152[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

fap was deleted edition
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need more cute anime girl feet


…like i need a hole in my head


need feet


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>mature anime


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>underage cartoon


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>Mature anime doesnr exist even doe many animes like eva, welcome to the nhk and many others are very mature

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Now Megumin's name includes Min which in hebrew means sex (מין) and i thought that was funny cause that would make her name somthing like mega sex what do you think teens

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every time i see tomo i think about koozy
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every time i see tomo i think about how cuckniggers like one above me ^^^ will kill themselves


evey time i see tomo i think about a discord drawfag troon


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Every time I see tomo I smile


need tomboy adhd cunny


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my wife momoko


oh nice wife

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Is S&W furry propaganda?


its milton friedman propaganda


white pipo cant even spice they wolf


Is (((Kraft Lawrence))) his real name?


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>is X, Y propoganda?

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