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/a/ - Anime

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Cleanse this board of nafri filth


Rape you soon.


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Dragon pilot anime/manga

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Dragon pilot is an underrated Netflix anime that is slept on a lot, it’s not too long but not too short. The only problem is that it ends on a cliffhanger and if it’s not popular it won’t get a second season


it was shit and fetish bait


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I don’t know what to say about the fetish bait stuff albeit


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I still don’t understand why it had the fetish bait stuff but I guess it was executed decently and not forced


>fetish bait le bad because uhhh---- ... umm...


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>somebody knows

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Can any evaschizos confirm if this is true?


shitvangelion is for reddit midwits


you're not a ""schizo"", you're just a teenager


4troon /a/ would never make something like that so probably not


Btw Manachads win by default


It`s posted in every eva thread on `cuck

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I love libertarian anime girls


politicoaling from /soy/ is spreading

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new stonetoss


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Dumd bitch

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Do you prefer them 80s style or them newstyle. Also AI thread


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>Right. Touch that wire and the C4 will blow up along with that old man! So you're the one that the Boss keeps talking about.
<And you?
>Special Operations Fox Hound...
>*spin spin twirl*
>Revolver Ocelot.
>*spin spin spin spin twirl twirl twirl twirl...*
>I've been waiting for you Solid Snake, now we'll see if the man can live up to the legend.
>This is the greatest handgun ever made, the Colt Single Action Army.
>*reloads cylinder*
>Six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


80s is peak artstyle

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What does Oda have in store for Aramaki?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


greenbvll will fuck nami and robin while luffy watches


Would it entice you more if it had little girls having sex in a high school in which otherwise they would be doing nothing? Fucking moeDOG. Learn your place under the GOATs of modern-day dual artistic creation literature, stupid FUCK.


Greenbvll will annihlate PEDObeard and his homosexual crew once he hears the Warp the W of the Warines is dying to Luzan




One Piece has such sexy tall strong studs. Unf

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