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Just finished Ciconia, what did I think of it?
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I rabu dlanor




Ciconia gem


why is her crutch bulging

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Babe, wake up.
Peak fiction is back on the menu from its hiatus, watch Nier Automata ver 1.1
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new 3DPD


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>That part where 9S gets his bussy stretched by BBC in the resistance camp
Wtf keep your fetish out of my story, Taro


A2 gem

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Heh… heh… heh…





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Light killed all niggers though


He only killed wh*te criminals


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No, most of his victims were none white.


Raito gem

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What do you think of them? Let's start with Ib
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thats what i heard


Emergency bumo though


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Hello JRPG soyteens, i'm making a wolfrpg game. The game will primarily be inspired by blacksouls 2 and Lithuanian mythology, but some other essential transcore Jrpg maker games and chuddy literature will surely have their influence exuded there too. Here is the introduction sequence.

(Background music similar to this for main menu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHhf-Peo3vU , you can play it to imagine what it'd feel like)

Start game

(The ambiance of a heavy rain with light thunder in the background, it is a dark night, with no stars to be seen in the sky.)
(A few images play, where we see a man, walking by a stony beach, approaching a far off lighthouse. The images continue to follow him until we reach the last shot, this time, without the man, and only an imposing view of the lighthouse from bellow.)

(The player is now in control of the main character)
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the b stands for blacked


RPG maker indie shit are very great

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my wife neco arc






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Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
I've got this feeling, so appealing
For us to get together and sing, sing!

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring BLACKED phone
Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding BLACKED phone
It grows in bunches, I've got my hunches
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yo wife is shit


so much this

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Oh, I am one yet many
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Witch gem

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rika on the log











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Read any vinnies lately?


I got halfway through Dies Irae before I had to drop the game out of boredom. I thought it was supposed to be based...


read vns now


Only the marie route is good the rest is pretty shit


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im reading this vn its got me le epic soy chudding


Mercurius beats your favorite character

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>/a/ - Anime

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