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/a/ - Anime

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my wife momoko

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When did anime become "tranime"?


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Kill communists


none of these people watch anime



Six hours ago.


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how to get a Kigurumi "girl"friend?


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Ask your bro to wear one for you


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hop in dude


Mental illness thoughie


Physical wellness albeit


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Trying to play guilty gear X2 with an Xbox controller I just bought. Can you guys spoonfeed me some combos? I want to get good at the game so I can beat up the tranny Bridget?
22 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I always wanted to play that, is it like Teken?


Imagine being so bad at the game you get mogged by a low tier character.

Bridget does the worst damage in XX and has some of the lowest HP.


it's like street fighter with like 6 different jumps and autistic special move inputs


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You should get a Logitech controller.
That was a joke, get a playstation controller my dude.


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I probably will, Chris chan was right

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Fuck ano


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It’s just like my anime


>his wife didn't even go with him for that last photo
Olololololo cucked


Thats why he self inserted as shinji and inserted his wife into eva, so he could have a good relationship in his fantasy

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my wife momoko

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>this will never be me
>its so over
34 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You capitalized the p
You lose again, brazillian


God I wish that were me


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'cord nigga iirc


You are gay nigger

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my wife momoko

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1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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gemmy thread


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theyre all just slavs.


I didn't realize the Serbs were this based.

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