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my wife momoko feels sad about trannies


momoko is so wise

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What are some amines about being the based alpha male or something


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Why havent you watched her show yet?


i have


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baby win





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Nagatoro is such a BWC slut

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Inaba from Kokoro Connect is made for BWC and the only realistic waifu ever created. Trannies hate her because they know she would be repulsed (just like any normal woman) by them, and that's because she is written like an actual person and not some mentally stunned child whore created as a gooning material for japanese teenagers.


Didn't read a single word, she takes black cock, period.


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I'm trans btw

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>Panty & Stocking Could NEVER Be Made Today


Panty and stocking is some troon shit


They're literally making a 3rd season though


very bad timing from Trigger considering troons now consider skullgirls a child porn game

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What does /a/ think of skibidi toilet series
I know it not really tranime but it really gives a huge edgy weird shonen vibe


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Also a lot of japs/east Asian like it and draw fan art/porn of it


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sharty did it first


retarded unfunny gen-alpha shit, fuck tiktok and fuck youtube shorts

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shut up bejita


>4 hours ago
>1 reply


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I never watched this anime


Do it. Perfect for first time watcher. Watch the dub of Kai.

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Death to NTRcucks.
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This is the fakest, gayest thing imaginable.


Kek,based writers trolling incel gamers, they should make her a trap too.


this happen to me




NTR is keyed doe

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I look like this
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Just because there's a bulge that doesn't mean we should assume their gender though.




kys tranny ywnbaw




noone looks like this

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