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/int/ - International

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Gemmy Gems Gems
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gen ALPHAGOD gem
skibidi toilets are the niggers and the cameramen are national socialists trying to bring back order


skibidi gem


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>yes i sucked a penis for 5 yuan,how did you know?


oh no




Even doe the owner is a pedał



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Fio brasileiro
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O site era menos cancerígeno antes?


Please post the English/American version.


Acabou….o 4channel caiu


Acabou pros 4chinks agora o sharty vai reinar


Manda p mim invite do disco

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do you celebrate fried chicken day in your country
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Kill yourself faggot


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>mutt culture is centered around niggers and fast food kek


imagine wasting a trillion dollars in a war and still losing


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>imagine wasting a trillion dollars in a war and still losing


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why would anyone celebrate that?

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Itt we post pictures of our countries and we write "first world/superpowa by 2030"

Mexico superpowa by 2030
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explain to me like im a newGOD


>not reading the filenane


lys togglecis


He was an annoying namefag during the Soot era who liked to shill bisexually I think


United States regresses even further.
West Virginia (goes from bumfuck nowhere to fucks all the other states in the bum)

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are you from ukraine? because I'm russian to get in those pants (war rizz)
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can you like... stop?


Ohio ahh rizzler


did he lose so much weight wtf




Sharty is saved

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Why are europeans so fucking pedophilic?
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>>>>ze niggers are different from us because… we just are ok? or however the genocide is denied or something like that.. yeah.


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>>>>ze niggers are different from us because… we just are ok? or however the genocide is denied or something like that.. yeah.


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>>>>>ze niggers are different from us because… we just are ok? or however the genocide is denied or something like that.. yeah.
>>>>>ze niggers are different from us because… we just are ok? or however the genocide is denied or something like that.. yeah.


implying a 60 year old man could get away with fucking a 15 year old just because age of consent is le 15
mutt iq moment


Xe probably could

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>I use though at the end of my sentences


Why though?


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>>I use though at the end of my sentences

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Multiculturalism is pure unadulterated coal. Every country should have a single culture/ language/religion/race.
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>even doe they are being shot down in boats on their way to greece


They can't handle that sable son of Africa.


Other way around. Every single culture/language/religion/race should have a country.


I don't agree, not sorry at all.


this, what OP suggested is just autism fantasy where they make up random nations for their "ideal" Europe

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watch your mouth boy

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