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/int/ - International

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New spain


I say that and look like that

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We re not all alike
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>are you talking about me nigger?
I will decapitate your mother's head and than I will stick my cock in her throat until my cock is visibke from her mouth
>3 days ago
Yeah, faggots at 4fags got pissed I was spaming the webm of some arabs in a wedding slitting the throat of a kid and acted like it was normal
I was only trying to spread awereness about this camel piss cult


Post your doc on me


missed lita


keyed morrocan

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Where the fvck did the Argentinian-Polish war on the jarty come from?
I've been gone for a week and things already go to shit
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>(Also kill, behead, roundhouse Oliviafags)


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How does one even get banned on 'uck?

I got banneded on mobile cause phoneposting is IP evasion or some shit, but on PC? Its impossible unless youre a ponyfag.


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/vp/ raid earlier this week, I usually just post from my phon but I was quite drunk(and lazy) so I ened up with a 30 day ban.


Honourable death wakarimasen desu


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wasn't honourable at all frankly, we only got to page 3 and the fucking janny woke up angry.
I can still ban evade from my phone but I can't wrtie shitty fucking greentexts wich I fucking enjoyed.
It is what it is

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Post fun infographics and information that sheds light on your country.

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I'm using my grandmother's wifi, why is my flag not showing?


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your grandma is a glownigger




go to sleep eu sissies


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>be shitallian poltard
>try to show his Aryan vrill
>gets pissed at a joke about south shitalians, since they werent considered white by neither muttland or north italian kek
>start spamming the same png multiple times
>gets banned
>use a vpn and change the ip to america
>is still seething about the joke that its pretty obvious he's the shitalian poster
>samefag his own replies
Im literally rent free in your mind lmaoooo
Well I guess its fair since my grandfather's sperm is rent free in your grandma' vigana kek
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Heil hitler

Bl*ck dog


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We should become whiter
Also florida was spanish


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>Very based, start a indigenous supremacist front and kill whitey
The eternal snowniggers killed millions of your people in their endless lust for barbarism and power, they are genocidal psycophates that deserve dying
Make us proud brother... make us proud


Kill yourself


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what about his descendents?


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He's a cuban diaspora who his grandparents were kicked out of cuba thanks to Chad Castro
He sounds like your average reactionnary dog that only bark and doesnt bite, also check this out this mutt thinks he's white and use le sonnarad meme aswell lmao, trully pathetic


How do you xe cuban


How do you know his a Cuban?


>kicked out

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>Ton arrière-arrière-grand-père, il a défriché la terre
>Ton arrière-grand-père, il a labouré la terre
>Et pis ton grand-père a rentabilisé la terre
>Pis ton père, il l'a vendue pour devenir fonctionnaire

>Et pis toé, mon p'tit gars, tu l'sais pu c'que tu vas faire

>Dans ton p'tit trois et demi bin trop cher, frette en hiver
>Il te vient des envies de devenir propriétaire
>Et tu rêves la nuit d'avoir ton petit lopin d'terre

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Hits different when you're a french canadian whose grandparents sold the more than a century old family homestead and whose parents were both disenfranchised enough to move to muttland

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the west and its lovers have been nothing but the cause of agony and poverty of so many countries nowadays


go up




even tho portugal is only in the atlantic sea tho


>the joke got over his head
Xe wants to say that south europeans are not real whites

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Im a kankerneger
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idk looks like 75% of girls after they leave pic rel in my cunt


What's with the doll looking thing in the vending machine. Middle right of pic.


i want it and can it because i have a 17cm cock but is really she a mongolian foid?


made for BSC(big spaniard cock) though

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