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/int/ - International

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Oh no no no
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i want to visit or expat but they're so violent and dumb and smelly NO WAY


She's absolutely correct, but she still needs correction, if you know what I mean.


This thread is funny, i laughed.


Tomoko exclusively fucks Aryan men


I like latin people because they don't speak English so I don't don't have to see their stupid brownoid posts and opinions on English forums, unlike smelly pajeets.

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missed 'lita


if you think about it 4chan is one of the biggest child porn sites because they by the rules allow /b/ loli threads and against the rules people post it search any archive and it's littered with this shit


test deez nuts




Kill yourself pedo

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>in 65 bce, europeans used to colonize jews
>but now, jews colonize europeans

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hoi mymy


ongefaggotlig cord woke up


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troonime slop connoisseur above me

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i done bwoke the fishtank
shout out to my man fwank
put the fishies in their place
spit on the floor in front of their face
better follow my wules
pwease take off yuh shoes
walk over fwanks dwools
the challenge aint thwoogh
took away the vance piws
then we saw his dawk side
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erm, what the spruce?

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post files that generate guarantied replies
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Where the fuck is my (You)?


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>India: 10.24cm
... Risible Results ...!!!!


Even in his weakened schizo state where he can barely fucking get out a coherent day he's still smarter than niggers he could code and all this other shit fucking kek

This dude is racially superior to niggers even with a brain shoved through a fucking grinder


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>post files that generate guarantied replies

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why are bosniaks so subhuman? I've been to both croat and serb places and they're both very nice people
been in a mostly bosniak village at a shop and the toilet smelled like it wasn't washed in a year
I've been at a restaurant and a waiter went outside of th toilet without even washing his hands
the food was fucking terrible, I couldn't even eat half of it because it literally tasted rotten, worse than your local throwaway McDonald's even
both croatian Herzegovina and Srpska are preferable to whatever shithole bosniaks reside in
germ on vacation in Croatia/Bosnia, the flag is bugged


>the toilet smelled like it wasn't washed in a year
>I've been at a restaurant and a waiter went outside of th toilet without even washing his hands
that's keyed though

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What is your country's name for a "chud"?

Here we call them "cabaços"
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I genuinely don't know
when we see chud-ish or right wing people the lefties here just call them Nazis since Nazi=everything right from the leftist party


Most people just call them chuds or alt right, but if they wanna sound fancy Christofascists or fasicts


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saddening, i hope your country recovers from this


idk about chud but means faggot


Prawiczek, Kuc, Mangozjeb. There too many to type

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Post some gemmy music from your country
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soyjaks make me want to laugh out of frustration and then puke it's so ugly



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you might not like it, but this is what peak italian music looks like.

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