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/int/ - International

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guess whos back


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Back again

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>Huge population bigger than USA canada and france combined
>No popular culture
>No movies
>No music
>No art
>Only known for borderline junk food made by immigrants and cheap prostitutes
How is this even possible? What do they even do there?
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Most of them don't know English and only people in the surrounding nations understand them so not a lot of the things that are made there get popular


Cause wypipo only care about japan for some reason


>even doe hyperkorea makes KPOP idols and global culture, Taiwan makes all micro transistors, and China is the second largest economy in the world


They should go back to being sultanates. It's the only to redeeeem them


i mean, pho is pretty good.

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      ឵឵ ឵឵ ឵឵ ឵឵ ឵឵

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Just found out that two thirds of the german anthem have been deleted since the 50s. How do germbros cope with this. Do you get arrested for yelling über alles in der welt.











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Total Sandnigger Death
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>goys i totally btfod the mozzy i totally did!!!! BECAUSE I JUST DID, OK?
cope geg


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U sound mad bro, did you remember to take your meds frogtranny? Or are your medications not halal like marrying a 6 year old (PBUH)!


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meds and sproke now


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coping seething troonwegian btfo i win


>no flag

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Do you sign up for monthly BBC subscriptions in your country?
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I can't believe BBC was real all along, goddamn n***ers…


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Fuck it's bleach


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It's spelled niggers you stupid sandnigger, stop self-censoring you autistic retard


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>It's spelled ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗ you stupid sand∗∗∗∗∗∗, stop self-censoring you autistic retard

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Bronies this is your mindset
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missed cheese


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Lee jerked off to overwatch foot porn, do you jerk off to overwatch foot porn?


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this IS my mindset


not him but bleed

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babby on 'int 'log
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>burrgaria best country in da worrd even doe we use ruzzian arphabeth or however the SERBGODS said


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>How i walk knowing that the enemies of Bvllgarya post bait in this thread





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>do not ask
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average evangay fan


Another proof that chudcels are tranime fans





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