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/int/ - International

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ITT: we post so bad it's good variant:unknowns

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 46800[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Laugh at this nigger general


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shitskin peruvian necrobumping threads he got BTFO in


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It's over for you, peruvian.




It's nice seeing my --basic chud edit that took me 2 minutes on MS paint-- being posted on the 'rty.


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Moroccan is so gemmy

She got her new vagina!

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I'm learning Latin.
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Babby noooooooooo




Me 2


Me uses latina langua per se illustrata like every other chuddy


Too difficult outside of basic phrases.

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9 in gemmer girl penis

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why do so many sharty users have twps
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She has has tremendous white penis

I want to lick xer feet


el cubano


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can you speak other languages cuban?


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High German, traditional Chinese, Congolese, Arabic, Hebrew, low German, old English, proto European, Japanese, turkish

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wish me luck
19 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i look like this btw


but i dont


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What language are you learning?


but i wish


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Ich heiße Grzegorz
Ich komme aus Polen
Ich wohne in Woiwodschaft Łódź

Hast du es verstanden? :D

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How are gender relationships in your country?


i live in usa




uhmm i can't find the video


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>uhmm i can't find the video
Maybe "You"Tube changed their rules again so videos that were okay a day ago suddenly violated the new new new TOS.
That's why I use Odysee, they're a significant improvement and you should support your favorite content creators there instead.


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But mister, censorship protects us from harmful content

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yeah /int/'s cool i 'spose





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Do babies wear diapers in your country ?


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cacarald go up

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