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/int/ - International

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tsmt, never played Terraria before though


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Huh, funnily I actually have that game in my Steam Library because a friend bought it for me. Haven't actually played it yet though.


it's magic

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I'm half german half polish mutt


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Say "kurwa" and "pierogis"


Śniadanie chleb


built for big mapuchx cock


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what do you think about britain /int/?
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best nation on earth still in 2023


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shes right


Good one




im back in my comfy bruno powroznik /int/ thread doe

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I think Turkish people are some of the most attractive people on the planet. I've yet to see one ugly Turkish person. Even the dudes look good.
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live yourself


shaaat aaaaaap beeeeech


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>shaaat aaaaaap beeeeech


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>>shaaat aaaaaap beeeeech


Nah, it's all because of several generations of inbreeding. At least the Habsburgs got really cool long chins out of it but Arabs/Turks/Pashtuns or whatever clearly need to stop this shit now as it's clearly not helping them evolutionary wise.

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whats wykop.pl


wykop.pl is a Polish social networking internet service, founded on December 28, 2005. It is modeled after the American website digg.com (wykop in the Polish language means dig out). The basic idea behind wykop.pl is the collection of potentially interesting internet-based information and making them available to users
Basically a bunch of always complaining whiney faggots


polish reddit wannabe, full of most retarded /pol/ users


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the same as thetitle obviously
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turks r white doe



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Roughly a gem even though you need to fix the glasses


i like how tight their buttholes are

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Base Sonic humiliates the verse.


Invincible Mario victim.


Fodder form, invincibility boxes exist, which are already dwarfed by the emeralds.


Creative Mode Steve casualty.


Sub-universal tier jobber with zero cosmology and no concept of higher dimensions, commands like /kill won't work because Sonic tanked existence erasure on a multiversal level in base.

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>>>>>>>what's one thing you HATE about your country? for me it's being a white majority




I won this duel btw


Were you the chudjak or troonjak irish?

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You can no longer steal filenames.


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Yes you can


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What shitty browser are you using?


They chaned it back, the admins hcanged it back they are always fucking with me yoh guys should of seen it

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Why do troons worship niggers as alpha males or whatever when niggers were enslaved by both Europeans and Arabs for centuries? They're literally the sissy race that was kept in shackles and cages.
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well said


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Actually buck broken


who do you think gave them the slaves in the first place?


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It's unironically a bestiallity fetish. And I don't mean that due to niggers being subhuman, they literally do think of niggers as animals and the humiliation of submitting to an animal is what gets trannies hard. I am racist but trannies take it to a whole other level though.

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