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/int/ - International

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>Well mr precedent, i say we should set up nazi femboy feet licking stations at every public school in the United Kraine, something like that
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>fuck you mutt
>Oh i'm sorrey for insulta ya bud wanna go toi timmy and catch the oilers game eh


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>okay what the fuck why do i have a canadian flag i live in texas i was just messing with you


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im not kidding


>The purpose of this thread is to destroy /b and occupy it for 3 hours (We will do this every sunday hopefully)

>What to do? first?

Catty wipe majority of inactive threads through spam posting
>What to do about the constant bump threads?
Keep bumping them until they hit reply limit or just completely derail them until they make another one for you to raid
<Reminder as 'eens are derailing threads they should also be constantly catty wiping do destroy any 'cuck resistance. I've raided and almost catty wiped /b before It's not that hard especially since it was like 6 'eens
Thread >>4176276 (KYS YOU OBBSESSED NIGER)


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>im not kidding

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Brits love bbc




she's right you know


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keyed af the inferior twp will go extinct and every white woman will be owned by the superior black stud also italy isn't white


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She’s right

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Why do mexicans call themselves "La Raza" I always hear them say "Viva La Raza" "The Race." The race of what, people who don't use fucking toilet paper? The race of people who wipe with their hands? The race of midday nap takers?
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Bumping this Raza gem.


"La Raza" = "La Raza Cosmica" or "The Universal Race". Basically they're saying Mexicans are united by being los abominaciones who have every sort of people in their mystery meat


It's more complicated than that, Vasconcelos, the philospher you mentioned, very specifically thought that purity was not the right way, he thought that "the bronze race" or "the cosmic race" had the most potential, and naturally the bronze race was/is not white, the idea is that by mixing the best traits of the races that encompassed the Mexican identity glory would follow.
In the 50s, glory did follow, the Mexican miracle got Mexico into the OECD, and things were looking up, but then shit went down in the 80s and we're omegafucked since then.


Built for black men


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new 'omalian

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Hay payasos en tu país?


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>momazos del circo
carbon panafresco pseudo-shitposter larpero

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>AACK-gentina superior country even doe our women breed with bolivians and peruvians


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como un BVLL costeño puedo confirmar que quiero una linda foid argetina mi estimado amigo mexicano

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>Diego Bendezu captures brotherhood and resilience among Venezuelan migrants



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Is it gay or bisexual to like muscular women, as a man?
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Well obviously woman shouldn't be do intense exercises while in labor so why would it be a concern before hand? Less she does do that regardless of the risks then that strength upboost might come with the down side of a reduced IQ.


i was thinking this as well, surely should would be resting during this period.


>>Is it gay or bisexual to

who cares just be yourself


Not if they are natty.


Humans aren't like animals that stay at top physical shape by just eating food. We gain muscle through working out to a greater extent than animals because we start off skinny.

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Do (You) love Japan, /int/?
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he did
he made threads about how much he deadlifted and stuff like that


worst country on earth, actual soyboy cyberpunk dystopia where the best thing you can do is kill yourself


Doubt he's the type of nigga to stay committed but who knows.





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*rizzes you*
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I really like this image


average eminem fan gem




She looks great, right?


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If shady says it shady meant it

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do you guys post on 4cucks /int/?


Kill yourself self hating faggot




what about kohlchan's int?


reddit: the board


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