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/int/ - International

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>Trollface was drawn in Microsoft Paint on September 19, 2008, by Carlos Ramirez, an 18-year-old Oakland college student
>Wojak was an attempt to make a serious trollface
>Soyjak was made from a wojak
>Carlos Ramirez

LatinxGODS i kneel
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>>>4308312 (You)
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Im NOT a kike I DONT BELIEVE IN LORD SATURN (sorry saturn it was a joke xoxo) I DONT KILL KIDS (they taste nice but im into veganism and i get my adrenochrome from synthetic sources) STOP YOU GO- sorry my bad YOU TRANNIE (sorry trans folks)


Beaner Ubermensch i kneel



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ummm french bros??????? what is this?????


i see a french person against immigration


Is he tearing it off or putting it on I don't get it


Xhe is putting it

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imagine becoming a minority in your own country
couldnt be me lmao
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would all of them


kys obssesed faggot


I am that lone aryan


and it's some innocuous video of them at school why do they go looking for this stuff

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A friend who moved to the US visited me today and left a couple stuff he brought from there. After he left i tried the chocolate (hershey brand) and it’s good up until the aftertaste hits, which tastes EXACTLY like actual literal vomit down to the slightest note. For a second i thought he got me vomit flavored chocolate as a prank before i googled “hershey chocolate tastes like vomit” and read that apparantly most chocolate in the US tastes like that because there’s some shit in it called butryic acid also found in vomit. Americans don’t think it tastes like vomit because they associate the taste with chocolate and call non mutts delusional for thinking that
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The reason why it tastes like vomit is because they used spoiled milk back in the late 1800s and early 1900s to save on costs. Turns out Americans liked it so they use butyric acid to make it taste like shit. I kind of like it TBH but I don't eat a lot of chocolates so I wouldn't know what is or isn't good.


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>OH MY SCIENCE!!! FULLY ORGANIC, FAIR-TRADE INGRIDEINTS!!!!!!!!!!! SOUNDS SO HECKING AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>I don't remember, I have the memory of a goldfish
This is what kuz warned us about in that one essay he made after his aids got worse (it should be on the history page in the wiki)
Do you think the chocolate tastes like vomit, or do you think vomit tastes like chocolate?


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Chocolate tastes like vomit, the initial taste is pleasant but a disgusting sour aftertaste. Vomit is just sour all the way though.

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In your country, how do we cleanse weird arab cucks


>or something like that yeah


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I'm not American


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tranime good

Sauce on the image OP? Looks like some fine literature.


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as you can see it's from "badmushrooms" group


kys zellignation

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>I fucking love capitalism
>I fucking love being a wagie selling goyslop at mcdonalds
>Billionnaires getting tax cuts is le hecking wholesome and valid
>Workers getting their right and having decent payment is hecking cringe and not 100 big chungus
>I fucking hate poor people
>Hello r/cuckoldry !!! Today I told my ceo to fuck my wife with his BBC (Big Billionaire Cock)
>Billionaires fucking children in their own private island is normal incel
Why are amerimutts like this?
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>>i fucking love my tax dollars going towards wars that we will lose
>>my tax dollars going to free healthcare is not wholesome at all
>>i fucking love my children getting indoctrinated by trannies at school
>>i fucking love the monthly school shootings that happen
>>i fucking love complaining about immigrants in europe we caused through endless jew battles


Public corporations are a state sector, not free-market. The term "capitalist" has been turned into a slur by fools like (((Karl Marx.)))
Monopolies are not free-market and the government itself is a monopoly corporation, read The Myth of the Robber Barons by Folsom
Anyways, the average nigger brain is the size of a walnut so I'd understand a swarthy third-worlder not being able to comprehend capitalism.


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I don't like billionaires or communists (who are oddly often supported by billionaires)


I think billionaires support communists because either
A: they're vying for positions of power if a communist revolution were to happen
B: don't want to be executed during said revolution


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The US is a commie tranny shithole

They could have destroyed every commie nation but they didn't because there jewish owned cucks

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In your country, what is that one word you should NOT use?
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>i can say nigga but u cant say nigga
fuck that shit


this is like watching chuddy trying to live out his nigger destruction fantasy, absolute gem of a video.


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Seething Moroccan nigger who never logs off the sharty is at it again


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Thank God to America's gun ownership where you can legally defend yourself


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why is france so brown?
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They didn't heed Gaddafis warning


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She do be having a point doe


they should get out of france worthless ungrateful good for nothing sandniggers


lmao, thank god french cucks exist
they make the whole rest of us look better by being the laughing stock of the continent


france can't keep taking Ls, they also lost their colonies to russian BVLLS

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What does /int/ think is the most kino place on earth?

I personally think its HERE


What's so special about this? Is it a good place to go fishing?


is this where cobson lives?


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>18 days ago
>no reply
RIP OP, xi must have gotten eaten by a Jaguar or whatever.


Brazil, Russia and Poland are indeed very soulfull

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