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I just flew to Japan when do I get my special flag


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Do you have a laptop or Steam Deck to connect to a local wifi or whatever? I think you'll get your rising sun that way, or however the Katana is forged.

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Im thinking of learning dutch, good or bad idea?
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>No different than a weeaboo


Dutch is niche, learn Spanish


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wooly woofter
real men sniff petrol


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>Kalashnikov 69
>horrible trigger discipline
I thought Dutch gun laws in both the Netherlands and in Denmark were incredibility cucked, not as bad as in the UK or Romania but still, last I checked you have to become a registered Knight to own a semi auto pistol in Denmark or whatever and they make you jump through hoops just to get a bolt action or tiny 22lr rifle… I think? However the Dykes and Windmills are made anyway.

Also why does she have a cheese wheel full of coke or tangerine or whatever? I think that was a Swiss tradition.

Excuse my ignorance but that does that even stand for MariKING poster?

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>turks food le good
i would eat a nigger rather than this
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amerimutts would complain about the lack of cheese and ketchup


then eat a nigger


>he doesnt like other countries's food
>yet he still eats the burger from mcdonald filled with deadly chemicals and actual carcinogenic powder onto it


we dont have mcdonalds here doe


Looks terrible but probably genuinely taste delicious like most MED food does.

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there are more people in an average sized european city than in all of those meme countries put together lmao
you're just a bigger san marino, know your place dog


sweden tho


Finniggers aren't even of european origin you retarded mutt


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too late, all it takes is one drop and the whole genepool is mutted. All it takes is a coal burner to fuck a nigger and cuck to raise it.


netherlands is nordic

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>Comparing microscopic Lancaster to San Jose
Cherrypicking cowardice. Compare a town of similar population; both coasts are niggerflooded


Marge what did the Puerto Rican mean by this


San Jose doesn't have good parts albeit.

I meant that east coast is SOVL and west coast is soulless.


souless on the top VS SOVL on the bottom

Made through Tor

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Uyghurs High school girl in Xinjiang, China
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TAP (technically a 'p)


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>even tho han chineses have tiny peckers clitties and are small little manlets and pat-ACKKKKK


Soot perman ban





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Hello argentinian


Nigga! I rape babies!


Nigga! No arrow!

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Skibidi Toilet: I have the most canny one two buckle my shoe rizz in Ohio!

Friday Night Funking: No way! I'm the canniest rizzer in Ohio!

Who is the rizziest? Like for skibidi toilet, retweet for Friday Night Funking!
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hahaha i saged no one can find me


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Finally a gem on Soyfag.farty

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Do gooks speak Ebonics in your country?


That's actually hecking wholesome


i cant understand a word of this ooga booga monkey babble in my country

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>In 24 Hours at 12 AM Niger time, the deadline for the invasion will be up, and with it, Niger will be invaded by it's neighbors, putting the entire region in a massive war
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Did it happen? Are we getting a NEW african civil war?


TBD total brit death


>brits le bad even doe they got dat bbc (big british cock)


This will be TNM (Total Nigger Migration) (Into your neighborhood)
>He hasn't figured out why these regions are constantly destabilized and the whole world labors to grow their grain so their birthrate is totally unsustainable


british broadcasting

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