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/int/ - International

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he likes sex EVENDOE it's gross


even doe it's not

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shoutout to all my fellow morokangs on this abortion of a website


fake moroccan




Thanks man

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I figured out how to do a South African accent.


Good for ya!

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>Mark Kaplan, professor of social welfare, spoke to KERA News about alarmingly high rates of suicide from gun violence in North Texas cities. Over half of the suicides reported in Collin Country, Tarrant County and Dallas County involved a gun. While white men make up about 20% of Collin County’s population, they accounted for 70% of suicides. Kaplan, who researches suicide risk, said men have a higher likelihood of dying by suicide than women. Major life events can serve as a catalyst for a person to commit suicide, he said. Often, suicides are not planned but are the culmination of stressful events paired with mental health issues, leading to a “death of despair.” “The presence of a gun, either in a household or lots of guns in the community, increases the likelihood of a gun death, either homicide, suicide or unintentional,” Kaplan said.
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Sumire needs a beatdown


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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Look at this Amerimutt Gem I found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_Plan





Wish FDR lived long enough so this Tragedy happened, 25 million let's go, BINGO!

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>tfw Im whiter than the average med white boy
Lmao is this the european aryan race? Your great grandmother have some explaining to do lol


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>>tfw Im whiter than the average med white boy
>Lmao is this the european aryan race? Your great grandmother have some explaining to do lol


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>>tfw Im whiter than the average med white boy
>Lmao is this the european aryan race? Your great grandmother have some explaining to do lol


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Oh wait nvm I just realized OP is on a proxy, lame :/


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Your mother has to explain something

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Total jewish win!




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Pynya,the persident of Pynyaland and lover of central asian penises


putin is a great ape from the zoo


gemmy. geg


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Oh no no no no...

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I'm learning polish
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I had spanish back in HS but don't remember anything except counting to 100 for some reason


we're all learning languages on /int/


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Good luck


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we should have one of those language learning threads like on the 4cuck's /int/ board


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i'm considering learning russian because i like russia and my native language is serbian so it would be easier anyway
i hope the country doesn't collapse before i get to visit it :(

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I can't stop thinking about that Vengaboys song.
>Boom, boom, boom, boom!
>I want you in my room!
>Let's spend the night together, from now until forever
>Boom, boom, boom, boom!
>I wanna go boom, boom!
>Let's spend the night together, together in my room!

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