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/int/ - International

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File: 1689769306611.mp4 (13.35 MB, 492x360, AmericansareNOTstupid.mp4)ImgOps


what do you think of america?
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>They don’t know


It’s run like shit by retarded money hungry kikes other than that muttmerica is gemmy cuz ‘cado


I remember watching videos like this in history class and pissing myself laughing kek


You were built for BBC


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>Nigga I though that was a small penis????

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Why the fuck is there a captcha on the party now
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>cobson nigga cheeks.mp4


==K==aptcha jest wporzo


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the coloured rectangle bot is at it again I believe


even though she goes back to normal near the end


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Give me 7000 Robux - M1M1_B3LL3

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Just found one absolute GEMerald of an arab game it's called Underash and its from 2002, it's about some sandnigger conflict arround Syria and Palestine...
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>the ending is a poorly cgi made film of Israelis shooting everybody down


click the 1st button

4 minutes of a black screen with aramb rumblings

words i heard:

yahud, islam, nigger, amerimmut


File: 1689813861665.png (127.21 KB, 800x600, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps

WAWWOW! i came back to the game after posting and this is what looks like to be a loading screen


>post this
>comes back
>it dissapears
>click second button
>its a prompt
> game crashes


i hate this game for two reasons

>its a pissraeli psyop

>it doesnt work

will try again later.

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/int/ sisters how do we end coal?
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>i want my milkies


>>49441 lmao


Only in amerikkka


chad shit

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New toss
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Woman from South East Asia don't look like that. Meds NOW schizo.


I almost thought the guy on the right was Carl Marx for a second....


ok serbshit


we know

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If Fingolians and and Bulgarians can be considered huwhite then yes so can the Turks.


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Western Poles are from Belarus they are not Germanic in the slightest
All of France should be Germanic only Basques and Marseille mutts are brown


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>>>>>>>>>what's one thing you HATE about your country? for me it's being a white majority
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who says this?


American trannys




me, Ireland is black :3



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fuck israel
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and ignore flag tell kuz to update his geoip database


tsmt I'm Croatian


tsmt I'm Somali


Built for BBC



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>It’s da poooolaaaaand


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doctos brazillian farmer stuck a pitchfork up my asses doctos help me


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Kys fnf pedo nigger


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