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8 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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>America vs Serbia
>Argentina vs Italy
>Texas+Mapucheland vs Poland
>Guatemala vs Portugal
Who will win this trans-continental war?


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>Texas+Mapucheland vs Poland
>Guatemala vs Portugal


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I mistook Portugal with Mexico

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>kill yourself obsessed norwegian faggot
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>something like that yeah…




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>>>kill yourself obsessed norwegian faggot


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>>>>kill yourself obsessed norwegian faggot


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>>>>>kill yourself obsessed norwegian faggot

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>touhou is an anime or something
26 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it may as well be
games are too difficult for me
i ain't a real gamer


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Filling an entire room full of piss jars. Don't worry it's a separate building from the main mansion.


ACK!-chually she's filling 🍮's basem5


Basement I mean

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>Не валяй дурака, Америка


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>by a literal troon


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Zellig trannies greatest OC was made by a twitter troon


too straight to google shit like dat


I'm a girl and I have a penis though


meds candy corn troon didnt draw that

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Happy july 5th or however the burgers are flipped or whatever!




kill yourself obsessed faggot


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>kill yourself obsessed faggot


kill yourself obsessed faggot

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i wish i were white
87 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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i appreciate the clarification


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siktir git o boktan kereste sitene allah'ın stokholm sendromblu dingili


Allahin a sini buyuk yaz


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17 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Sisyphus thread


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>>>>>>>>>>you need to go back iraq


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>>>>>>>>>>>you need to go back iraq


trvthnvke that made americans seethr


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>trvthnvke that made americans seethr

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>ussr le bad even doe they were doing capitalism since 1956 or so


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I'm in pain


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>USSR LE GOOD! Even tho they raped afghan women in the 1980s


>le copeitilism good even though its jews who do poopatilism


>it's chuderald

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Are you cotton? Because I'll always pick you (slave rizz)


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Im a disgusting transgender shitskin pedophile teheee

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