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Who the fuck is this nigger?
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por sebdan, la historia completa del dum!


most obnoxious avatarfag imaginable



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latinxs discovered soyjaks, as a latinx, im deeply ashamed, please whip me white masta


El dun

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British people are the tallest in the world
5ft10 average height for zoomers, but 20% of our country is 5ft5 indians so it drags it down.
The average white zoomer in UK is 5ft11

British people are the best looking people in the world
The best looking man in the world is british, ranked no.1, henry cavill, therefore proving the british facial features and colouring are genetically superior
Britain is home to the most superior colouring in the world, north atlantid. Brown hair, blue eyes, white skin
We have the thinnest noses, with a high nose bridge, and intense brow ridge making us look extremely masculine and good looking.
Everyone surgeries to get a white nose. (british nose). Our noses are superior. Arabs are hooked. Asians have wide bulbous noses. Ours are the best of both worlds.
Everyone knows white people are the best looking. But they dont think of eastern europeans when they think of white, they dont think of swedish when they think of white. They think of british or american guys, and americans literally are british.
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british people have no swag (applies to most euros in general, sorry) you guys have shoes americans have never even seen before in their lives, shit afghani kids would wear. fashion for british women is stuck in like 2009, tube tops, disgusting ameri-guido spray-tanned skin. fucking gross looking.


big man's scrapping on the 'arty.


And including this, you are weird matriarchal cuckolds. normal man can not obey to woman? sorry

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Does this happen in your country?
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Fuck off serbian twat


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Naked niggers this is your mindset


live yourself serbian legend


A day in the life of a truecel...



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no bo może się ktoś zna na rysowaniu


Sewer language eww


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Least retarded mapuche award

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>suspended from Twitter again
Does this happen in your country?
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I actually like licorice


who doesn't


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Most people in non-nordic countries I think, it has an unusual taste to be fair. I do like it a lot doe


GEEEEG,w*stoids would take instead niggers and arabs


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Oh my Sámi Finland truly is a wonderful country.

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we are the master race, we own the banks, we own the media, we own the entire world
we steal goyim foreskins and put them into wrinkle cream, we created laws to make it illegal to question any supposed mass murders we use as an excuse to cuck stupid goyim cattle, we feed the goyim with slop, and we rob them every day but call it "taxes", which somehow means its legal and they can't do anything about it
cry all you want chuds, but we jews are the master race.
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i hate babyjak so much


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>i hate babyjak so much

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does this happen in your country?




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do you like breedable boys in your country
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Ohh kay.... demons in me again


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up for sweet femboy clitty and bussy

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pterodactyls in your country?
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why is she eating dino nuggies doe she's a dinosaur


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work in progress or something


she's eating reed's grandchildren


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they are tasty and healthy

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itt post the best drip from your cunt
GOAT tier,iconic look.
Górals are second.
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nowy czudi




o kurwa on mnie moguje


Can I be your bf



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