British people are the tallest in the world
5ft10 average height for zoomers, but 20% of our country is 5ft5 indians so it drags it down.
The average white zoomer in UK is 5ft11
British people are the best looking people in the world
The best looking man in the world is british, ranked no.1, henry cavill, therefore proving the british facial features and colouring are genetically superior
Britain is home to the most superior colouring in the world, north atlantid. Brown hair, blue eyes, white skin
We have the thinnest noses, with a high nose bridge, and intense brow ridge making us look extremely masculine and good looking.
Everyone surgeries to get a white nose. (british nose). Our noses are superior. Arabs are hooked. Asians have wide bulbous noses. Ours are the best of both worlds.
Everyone knows white people are the best looking. But they dont think of eastern europeans when they think of white, they dont think of swedish when they think of white. They think of british or american guys, and americans literally are british.
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