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Name a better murderous incel Kino…Go on, I'll wait.
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adachi albeit


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jew or not the doods cinematography is on point. Personally I take the Hitlerian approach of "I decide who is jewish " provided they are a mischling. Obviously actual brown semites don't pass that litmus test. European kikes are all khazars with like 80% dna anywhoo. Guarantee I could find a khazar like who presents more European than you (that's implying you are even white to begin with lel)


*80% European dna


I look and act like this…What film?

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HOLY HECKING GUACAMOLE BATMAN!!! I heckin LOVE the catalog of music from WARP RECORDS. Aphex Twinorino, Boards of Canadarino, Squarepushorino, Autechrino, it's all so heckin good!!!! What's your favorite track? Mine is Xtal by the man himself, Richard D Jamesorino AKA Aphex Twinorino!!!!


post the saddest song you know

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What was his greatest work?


Someone on /qa/ emailed him about this two years ago and he responded right?

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A timeless, flawless masterpiece.


weezer fucking sucks


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holy geg I got my birthday get


that doesn't look like The Fridge


new weezer sucks but their first few albums were golden.


Ok human is good. Same for white, maladroit, red, and some parts of hurley. Havent listened to sznz or van weezer yet

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Official Eurobeat thread
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Seriously Diamond song






nvme ssds will tell you how used up they are


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Post shit or something idfc


I played mega man and bass in high school cuz my friend brought his old gameboy to school. Never played any of the other games doe


NAS gem!


You should try the rest of the series I guess.


I liked the Legends and ZX series but never cared for the other titles.

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Troon media or not?


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Henry stickman is dead
its so therefore its not troon media


mostly yes


Even though it's a keyed oldtroon flash game series


My brother played this when was a kid


Hey I still love the franchise and I frequent Henry Stickmin groups
From what I can tell the games themselves are pretty IAS due to constant media references and the community is pretty cucked with some troons, but I still love it alot. Also worth noting that there are 0 black people or fags in any of the games.

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What did South Park mean by this

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