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Best slowburn games?


I don't know


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stop misusing fetishjak

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shut the fuck up filthy spic subhuman

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Best BBC games?

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Listening to heckin Gorillaz album (by Gorillaz) rn


This album sucks

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>download Youtube Jakkify
>find a Youtube video vaguely relating to politics or history
>have something negative in the title like war/destruction/death
>instant gemmy
19 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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Holy gemmy, thank you for telling me about this


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just let Youtube Jakkify do it for you


Post some Quran reaction 'jaks. There's already a whole subculture dedicated to Koran reaction posting which retards make in exchange for money from Qatar/Saudi.

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post genuine 10/10 films. no bullshit
25 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


how much have you lost on a coin toss?


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Kynodontas - dogtooth
It has kino in the title, how bad could it be?

good taste snootbro

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>Wake up
>Still no goth ptero gf
What's the point?
5 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The people (or person) obsessing over this fictional character is so mentally ill holy shit.


we'll all get bipolar punk ptero gfs one day


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i want to believe


The people (or person) obsessing over this fictional character is so mentally sane holy piss


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Snootbros on the sharty? What a time to be alive!

Not gonna happen for me unfortunately, I have already locked in my trad gf for this life.

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no fap: day 2
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Saggy Naggy board tho




Someone jak her



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>frank zappa
>mr bungle
>dog fashion disco


>moon unit
>ocean man take me by the hand take me to your land
>les gaypool

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