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was Avicii the white man's music artist?


After getting murdered for calling out the white slave trade (without addressing it's jewish roots doe)? Obviously he is YES. His murder is proof that it doesn't matter if you name them so if you somehow do end up in a position of power and decide that it isn't worth the shekels you should absolutely name the like because they'll kill you just for broaching on the topic anywhoo's. Personally I'd recommend just supporting your family and local h'whyte community but if you HAVE to blow the lid of a trafficking ring you might as well name them because they'll kill you even if you don't. *shrugs*


That being said I've never listened to his music. Just heard of the untimely death. This vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX3k_QDnzHE&pp=ygURbTgzIG1pZG5pZ2h0IGNpdHk%3D is my personal lamestream expose of how kikes act.


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>release album 1(one) month ago
>everyone including yourself forgot about it
>sell 9,001 CDs with estrogen bracelets instead
Outstanding marketing work done by Miss Gaburgerly, folx.
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Her voice is aids it’s been over before it even began


marge who is xis


>estrogen bracelets instead
did you forget your meds this morning
>everyone including yourself forgot about it
>She’s the most popular “incelcore” artist btw
that would be Negative XP
>already 20 and not signed to a major label
big deal
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>did you forget your meds this morning
no you're just not informed
projecting what nigga? what the fuck am I projecting?
>that would be Negative XP
used to. he's dead as fuck now. last album was april of 2 years ago
>big deal
hi gez!!! I wonder if you'll be writing a full opera soon…
>not true
nigger literally everything before happy smile is classified as "androgynous vocals", albeit inside her and Adam & Steve were pretty good vocally so she is getting better (same for xer mixing)


my bad i thought you were that autist who thinks geze is a troon
>no you're just not informed
tell me more then
>nigger literally everything before happy smile is classified as "androgynous vocals"
and thats le bad because???

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is code monkeys sharty culture?


I forgot this existed


obvious samefagging nobody else knows what this fucking tard shit is


It was a popular series that I think aired on G4 zoomGOD

you kind of have to be an oldtroon to know tho, its when I was in highschool


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meds, nigger, meds


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Do 'teens like undead chronic? How about wheat waffles? Sandman? Soygon?


post itt if you're a pedophile




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What Rainbow Six operators would be good as soyjaks?

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YES, FUCK YES!!! I Trans <3 physical media!!!!!!1!

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what are your favourite movies?
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The seventh voyage of sinbad
the original clash of the titans
The origional 2 terminator movies
Apocalypse now
Lawrence of Arabia
The 90s Godzilla movies
The lord of the rings trilogy


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die hard 3


I had to look up if that was real. Holy ducking gemerd




Lawrence of Arabia is ultimate gem

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is this 'lbum a 'em or troon media? i've been listening to it non stop for the past 3 months

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