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>We waz wolves and shieettttt
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how do you get into this shit?


warhammer is an unironic tranny franchise


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one jewtube video and you're fucked for life, shit is goyslop but i cant stop myself


no female space marines albiet

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What sharty themed mods for the binding of isaac: rebirth are there?

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she's so much me fr


Post her nudes ?


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I seethe internally when I see her knowing that I have to beat her before I meet her or else I’ll be a fan and nothing more than that NIGGA
Rap God before you Rap Sod(omy)

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stories of the bible but in soyjak style for zoomers with zero attention span.
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for the love of science, do more


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holy mother of gem


>Saul of Chud, militant rabbi, persecutor of degenerate goyim
>Star pupil of Rabbi Hitler Hillel
>"Total Christard Death"
>On road to Damascus
>Get's hit by lightning and passes out
>Becomes Paul the Calmjak



I meant Gamaliel, fun

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>High FOV
>Unlimited sprint
>Wall running
>Double jumping
>Aim Down Sights
>Hit markers and hit sounds

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hello chudGODS from that 'blox game
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my reaction upon receiving this unholy abomination of a meal


yeah you should instead. be eating delicious ymmy bugs


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>This is the story of our first teacher
>Shetland made her jumpers and the devil made her features
>Threw up her bands when my mum said our names
>Embroidered all her stories with slanderous claims
<It's over and done with, it's over and done with
<It's over and done with, it's over and done with!
<It's over and done with, it's over, it's over
<It's over and done with, it's over and done with!


LOL i remember playing this shit in 2016 holy fuck

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New 'ritic just dropped


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>main character is literal definition of IAS, a middle-aged consumerist soyboy with glasses, stubble, diverse set of friends, etc
>game makes modern rpg players (other soyboys) froth at the mouth just by existing
>semi-ironic culture surrounding it, like many of the things posted on this website as well
>studio that developed the game literally has "ACKK" in it

Yiik is set in stone sharty culture. No way around it




yiik checked by real yiiktriots (True!)


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>ugh my black bvll expects me to be his bottom bitch for the 3rd night in a row
>be careful alex xes standing right behind you



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I'm going to fill the power vacuum left in the "internet hatred song" genre after MSG died and all the incelcore bitches started doing their own thing and died down. The new snailbitch album has like 3k views only and it's been a week. I think I'll call this new generation of songwriters "Chudcelcore" because we're better than those loser LOL! also fuck that gook
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incelcore sucks and you should kill yourself


'tis not incelcore though it's chudcelcore there's a difference one was made by former high schoolers this one will be made by high schoolers (current)


El dun


this shit will definitely suck


incel, she/her moment

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