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ITT: we name songs on Sharty Songs Volume 1. I’ll start
Wasting my time forever on bald man with glasses website


>"Villager Janny"
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>Awful Soy
>Lands of Sproke
>The Janny Ballad
>To Serve Kolyma
>(You) Might Think He Loves You For Your 'Jaks But I Know What He Really Loves You For It's Your Brand New Neutralplier Blogpost Thread

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>I hear the sound of a heart from the shadow in the dark
>Waiting for the poison to hit its mark

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i have always wanted to play space station 13 but never had anyone ever interested in it, i have seen that someone was talking about it weeks ago. maybe we should host some games or something.
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i will play, i've always wanted to try ss13


also make a thread for contributing to the game or something. what codebase will you be building it on?


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anybody have the IP of the sharty server?

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I’ve been playing a good bit of Far Cry 2 recently. It’s great. Plenty of both TND and TAD (total Afrikaner death), rough and brutal violence, and the scenery is lovely. I really like the Central African civil war setting, especially with the unique aspect of the country being in a complete state of anarchy and poverty. African poverty and savage warfare in that sort of setting isn’t really shown off as much in modern video games, and the effects of it like having malaria, paper money being replaced with “stones” (diamonds), and having to deal with the consequences of your guns having their own used history to the extent that they will eventually jam and explode in your hands all adds to the poverty-stricken immersion. Great game.
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i look at it and see wasted potential. it's probably the best far cry game and it still sucks dick


I agree. African warfare can be so chaotic and diverse in who’s fighting who that nearly any scenario in an African setting would make for a great shooter or strategy game. Not like I’m expecting “Total War: Congo”, doe, as it feels like its warfare is always ignored in favor of another game about U.S vs China or Russia or Nazis and so on. Actually a Total War game in the Second Congo War sounds really gemmy, but of course it’s just sad how ignored the possibilities are.


post screenshot


Ubisoft should make one last farcry in Africa, with similar mechanics and better sidequests. farcry has been stale since 4-5


I downloaded it and remembered I get motion sickness from fps with low fov.

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Do you guys like the movie Crank? I like it


i think i watched it but dont even remember it i only remember it had sky scraper at the end


It was one of my favourite childhood movies


i liked when he shot someone in the head with a finger gun


My favourite was when he dipped his shotgun in tar and shoved it up someones ass and shot him in Crank: High Voltage

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>>1 >>2 >>3 >>4 >>6 >>7 >>8 >>9 >>10



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If a made a 'jak in which:
Overwatch """2""" was a rotting corpse
TF2 is a smug soyjak laughing at the corpse
CS:GO is a gigachad holding TF2's leash
and VALVe is rubbing against CS:GO's body
Would you guys call it coal or gem?
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Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.


just make it already you dumb nigger

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is music common in your country?
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didnt ask


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Uhh…. yea….




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games about frogs?
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holy fail





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ok and?


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/caca/ win


babies LOST


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>>4999 DUN WIN


babies LOST


Babycoallers LOST

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