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Post hrot caps, post hrot gems, discuss hrot politics czech teens are called for


boomer trooner coal


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Nah it has the polish cunt dead

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Excellent: CSS DODs TFC DOD L4D2 L4D1 HL1 HL1-OPFOR Portal 2
Good: TF2 CS1.6 EP2 CSCZ Portal Ricochet
Okay: EP1 HL2 CSGO
Bad: Artifact
Troon-game: who cares, just play the game you sissy
Never played: rest of em


The cake is a lie xD

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genius or retard?


James Ferraro had a few innovative ideas that ruined a generation of budding musicians. While I believe he should get some credit, nobody after him should.




Genius presenting as a retard.



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>This one hates niggers




the khajiiti race won.

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why did it have to become crap


This show had my highschool friend dead




He allegedly stayed all night watching the 10th season or wathever. His phone was plugged and some circuit happened and got toasted to death. Local news blamed it on pubg

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not the 'p again (




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what are some lesser known Indie GEMS unclaimed by the trans community? cause whenever I've tried to get into some of the popular ones (ultrakill) I didn't wanna have to interact or be associated with troons. They piss me off so much even if the game really is good. Recommendations of any genre are much appreciated. Unrelated but I like burnout eben doe its not indie
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I hate sportsball but I will gladly watch hockey. speaking of which, NHL games have have sucked ass just hard as bbc ball and modern madden games because EA has those ips by the nuts.


EA hasn't made an NBA game since 2014, but 2K and VC have milked the fuck out of NBA2K because they know niggers will spend thousands on the virtual currency.

On the bright side, EA is losing exclusivity rights for Fifa and NFL games. I don't know the status of NHL games, but I do hope the license is freed up. The last NHL game I truly enjoyed was NHL 2K2 on the Dreamcast.


Carmageddon games. Too much for the trannies I guess


yeah pretty 'emmy. I also like twisted metal and G-police if you've ever touched those


i dunno if they're indie but the rising storm/red orchestra games are pretty good.

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post 'em


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Is there a sharty osrs clan?


I keep trying to play it but im too heckin short attentionspanned to chop wood for an hour


niggerstone soy mmo albeit


used to play back in 2020 but it's just a bit boring, don't really play games anymore anyways


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I play RS3


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i play vidyascape from time to time

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the jews fear the samurai

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