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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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favorite beach boys song
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Too tough

Surf's Up, but also Wasnt made for these times, a few off wildflower including All I Wanna Do and This Whole World.


Sunflower imeanever


thanks jakker


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this ones mine


Kokomo and Good Vibrations. Absolutely GOAT'd songs. Sounds of Summer and Pet Sounds are all pretty good too. They could be the only songs to exist and I would be pretty happy

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Slimiest tentacliest Squidward from the bottom of mariana trench I've ever seen




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Just a reminder nostalgia chick, folding ideas, and obscurus lupa, and Linkara, never had a cameo on in a beloved animated classic.
NC had it twice already, in 2 countries, one 20 years into his carrer.

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what happened to the soyjak rpg thread
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op keeps deleting his own threads for some reason. 3 weeks for a small rpgmaker prototype is pretty slow to be honest, so maybe doll deleted it (don't know why he wouldn't just unpin though)


it really was dust…


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I am that OP. Doll is way too busy to delete dust; I made the choice to archive and close my thread.

The uneditable OP post was 1. becoming misleading after a few weeks of fielding Soyteen feedback and ideas, and 2. the thread being pinned was doing more harm than good, attracting 3 derailing troll replies for every honest one. The thread served its purpose to gauge interest in a community-produced video game.

What I concluded from its duration and replies is that we don't have enough people who actively program or create content to foster a full-time community video game project like Katawa Shoujo or Pokemon Sage. So instead of having that thread pinned—setting the precedent that 'teens would be delivered timely updates—I'm going to work on the demo when I can and make a new thread that actually offers a playable sample. Perhaps collateral like that would inspire people to contribute material for the game. I appreciate those who did contribute thusfar, and I loved some of the creativity I saw.

Lastly, please remember I'm just a guy who stepped up after a successful soyjak rpg ideas thread in /soy/ to try to "run" the project in /mtv/ (it would die in the /soy/ spam). Everyone wants the game, but nobody wants the burden of leading and managing it. It would be helpful if I had one or two 'teens as part of the development team.


adhd teenagers only have ideas


thanks for the explanation ‘teen

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New 'ritic


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i want to return to playing old school runescape but it's tranny supporting now and anti chud and that makes me want to not play, and also not give jewgex my money. what mmo do you chuds play that isn't fucking gay and cringe?

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if u could create and hear any band ever what would you make

Singer: Will Toledo
Lead guitar: Dave Gilmour
Rhythm guitar: Rivers Cuomo
Bass: Tré Cool
Drums: jimmy chamberlain


>will toledo
fucking faggot

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Keep hearing about the Oblivion gates appearing. Should this one be worried? Are we all going to die?




spin gemmer

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>Moved to >>>/mtv/5887 even doe ias and there are a billion nas threads on /soy/ right now


janny is off xer meds


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Take a knife and drain your life


been around still around the finish line

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not spinning doe


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I know

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>I've been interested in this franchise for some time now.and wondering what games should I play first to get into it.what do you recommend?

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