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What’s your thoughts on the Randy Marsh shrine?
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>trans women
>into men
Retard. With the exception of /tttt/ metagamers, they're all lesbians (read: straight men)

She's part of the tumblr fakeboi space that is the western South Park Fandom. Speshul labels, like lesbain in this case, are collected, deliberately used nonsensically, and changed on a whim. They shouldn't be interpreted as anything other than fatherless.
You all don't know your enemy and it shows.


south park sucks


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>>trans women
>>into men
>Retard. With the exception of /tttt/ metagamers, they're all lesbians (read: straight men)
>She's part of the tumblr fakeboi space that is the western South Park Fandom. Speshul labels, like lesbain in this case, are collected, deliberately used nonsensically, and changed on a whim. They shouldn't be interpreted as anything other than fatherless.
>You all don't know your enemy and it shows.


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I look like that


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If Fiend Folio becomes an official Binding of Isaac DLC I am going to kill my fucking self Chuds


It never will anyways, too many obvious references

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friendship ended with india. now pakistan new best friend


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Neat, the next time I'm at Walmart I'll be sure to keep an eye out for anything with a Made in India tag.

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>Some of the most fucked up shit I've ever seen in gaming comes from Kirby.


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>Games a fucking horror game with a cognition filter over it. That little pink fuck is eating sentient creatures whole for its general amusement. Punching planets in half and swallowing entire star systems. Then the pink bastard randomly chooses not to eat some of those creatures while he takes them on a galaxy wide adventure of cannibalism as he forces them to watch him eat their own kind and feed them what's left like a bird feeds its children. Kirby is unhinged.


If Kirby can be described as "fucked up" what's a hecking wholesome game look like?




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i am starting a multiplayer game soon with a brand new mod that we have worked on

for all that are interested the distroon link is https://discord.gg/wgnjZEyNc


Marge what's spud

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The new Big Chungus movie is looking good.

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Are any 'teens interested in the map-painting mapgame about staring at a screen for hours straight?

If not then this thread is /grand strategy general/ or something like that, yeah.
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Play as Gayreece or Turkgay and nigger whip the Balkans or however the kabobs are made.


Any recommendations for single-player mods?


isn't Victoria II for trans people?


Victoria III is, though


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Hey guys. Can you please recommend me some nice mobile games. No gacha please
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Doesn't look bad
I can't find whatever that is
Yeah I already played a lot of sonics. However i need more "original" for mobile games




emulation is illegal


Dragon Ball Legends



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the answer should be GLA




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check out these awesome tesla coil art i drew 2 years ago


either yuri or the gla

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Why is faguy the best show ever

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