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^this >>6178
Here's the specific thread >>>/sci/9459


marge what is minetest


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Minecraft for poortroons


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Minecraft for fossKINGS

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> new Pokemon gen 10
> gonna released in 2025
> new starters
> 500 new pokemon
> sydney reigon
> new prevolution of gen 1-9 pokemin
> better than sword and shield, scracet and voliet
> new gems
> brand new pokemon
> more gems


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>Flying-Psychic Rabbit


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Super Turbo is the only 2D fighting game that matters.
All proceeding SF entries couldn't compare to it. A few of the future titles were alright but just still couldn't hold a candle to the timelessness of ST.

As for other franchises? Let's see what they have to offer.

-SNK fighters? All are derivitive because the major game designers were poached from Capcom after the success of SF2.

-Mortal Kombat? Nigger tier series that didn't take itself seriously until 2011. The games still play like ass and only serve as a low barrier entry for sub 80 IQ gamers.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


virtua fighter won.


Read the OP. 2D fighters not 3D.



I did not read

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is the neverhood a gemerald or complete brimstone
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isn't there a sequel for this?


yes but it was console exclusive and I heard it was coal


the fact that you had to walk in the long hallway all the way and go back to finish the game makes it shitstone


^0 attention span spic zoomer


That long hallway has a literal bible of lore for the game

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ITT post nasheeds
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not that though




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post your favourite military marches or folk music, this one from Spain is pure kino https://youtu.be/hvd3wTU4ho0


I love the kaiserreich


Embederald from the American Civil War


This one's one of my favorites


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Hey, Sharty, have you heard of this horror-comedy game series? I thought you guys would really like it so I made a shill thread about it here.



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Gemmy schizo game


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>mfw the link


Looks troonie


woah its from the creator of space funeral. I assume those games are gemmy too


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The yellow bunny is cute

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>iris shaders


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who the FUCK even uses modrinth? It literally lacks 90% of all the good mods and for some reason I couldnt create a 1.12.2 instance


probably because fACKbric isn't on 1.12

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What games have you been looking forward to? What will you be purchasing this sale?
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why pay for games when you have rutracker.org


because it's more convenient and im not south american.


I got Muse Dash for I think 67 cents


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Jurassic world evo2 dlcs


I'm pirating all my games

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Talk about manhunt games in this thread in this thread.




those games are fuckin shit.

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