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you guys wanna play friends vs friends?


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why did you post a mestizo mutt looking guy


The guy who posted that let's me live rent free in his head.

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Madeline: If you believe, you must be big,
In order to be tough,
Then you should get to know me,
I'll teach you other stuff!

I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline,
I may be very small,
I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline,
And inside, I'm tall!

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bone are overrated, their first album is good, and other than that they only have a couple more good songs

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I'm not a barneyfag but I understand liking Fluttershy. She a cutie

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>>>Cross board quoting

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why wont you play that Halo 3 sandtrap firefight mod


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>why wont you play that Halo 3 sandtrap firefight mod
I won't play Gaylo period because Bill Gates is the anti Christ and I refuse to give him money or personal data to use his shitty DRM bloated game like everything Microsoft/Xbox publishes.

Also your Clownpiece posting rights have been revoked for making a coaly thread, have a nice day.


you sound like a faggot fucking kill yourself
regardless halo is fucking dead anyways so who cares


>regardless halo is fucking dead anyways so who cares
Tragic but such as the nature of modern triple gAAAy games.

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>umm vinyl has like better audio quality and you know the aesthetic is you know like so awesomesauce and retro umm you know


guy seems like he knows what he's talking about. yeah i'll buy a couple vinyls


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Is that Jarvis Cocker's long lost brother?


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>guy seems like he knows what he's talking about. yeah i'll buy a couple vinyls


making fun of vinyl owners is an untapped market of soy culture, we need more 'jaks mocking vinyl fans PRONTO

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what do you guys think about my base?
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nate-colored gem


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>he cant properly crop the video
holy mental retardation, its as easy as
ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -threads 0 -acodec pcm_s16le -y


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Where's your fortress wall and street lamps to keep hostile mobs away? Where's your village+villager, especially the essential villagers for gaining a lotta emeralds for just sticks and charcoal? That's a nice building I'll give you that but it's hardly enough for long term storage of an industrial capacity, I hope it's only goal is to be a small barn.
Also you really should keep your sheep and cows separate if you wanna breed and slaughter enough of them to actually get enough resourches worth a damn plus you should have every sheep color because color wool is a great block for making unique buildings on the cheap in my personal opinion, very under rated block. Of course eventually you'll want to just set up auto farms so you can truly thrive.
Not that it matters though for me though, Bill Gates deleted my account because I didn't make a shitty Microsoft account so I'll never play MC again. Thanks Notch you obese neck beard fedora tipping kike for selling out faggot.

Over all 10/10 if this is your first day and a half in MC survival mode.

Now that's a gemmy fortress built to withstand the challenges of the post apocalyptic world. I love it when people incorporate mossy cobble or mossy cobble stone in their designs. Acts as a great face lift to an otherwise flat texture design and the pillars are fantastic too.

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