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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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what have you been listening/watching/playing recently /mtv/?


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been playing this qt

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>drift phonk

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Why is this true though
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People look more attractive in person


gay men in the fashion industry
thats also the reason most models dont have big tits and ass


Ugly subhuman and also another ugly subhuman


even doe fast food places are all niggers


Omg, soot, doll and kuz

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send your favorite bands here lmfao
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you're not me


classic slam


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>>6749 (OP)
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Is zomboid gem or coal and why?
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gem because it's a reasonably priced game (15 dollars when i bought it) with lots of deep mechanics that extend gametime in a meaningful and fun way.


Gemmy insightful review


marge what was the tranny update


seems like too much of an autism game for me to get into

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Why are trannies so obsessed with NeObliviscaris?


never heard of it what is it?


A progressive black metal band from Australia with a violin player and clean/harsh vocals

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Five Nights at Freddy's General
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glistening vinluvian gemerald




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What Prevents you from playing the superior spin offs chud?


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I need the coom models to be made BY autists FOR autists, not this lame shit


because I can only get off to fnaf if I can tell the guy who made it is a sperg

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is anyone interested in minetest?
im hosting a small server and would like to make it public if people actually want to play on it.
(ignore the copypasted meinkraft textures and DOOMified graphics, its just to make javatards seethe)
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I'm pretty sure M-test can run on anything, even a really shitty laptop.


Anyone interested in forming a Sharty theme'd country on day in this game?


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Oldtroon coalstone


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Even doe Azumanga is gemstone

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