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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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>soylita is a bad manga


Steely Dan is pretty neat.

They're a pretty laid back band, there's also this song by this lady named Yasuko Agawa called 'L.A Night'. The whole groove, background vocals, and style reminds me of them, a lot.


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Mmm gemmy music got my bussy boppin


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What music does soy listen to?
>Songname: I'm just ignoring you - Atrax Morgue
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>Slime - Gezebelle Gaburgably


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>Everything will be alright - The Killers


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song when im benching
https://youtu.be/oh6BHJcjVhY my favorite nigger rap for my wigger ears

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'craft chats are wild

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New 'Toss
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


fuck off gavin


meds, gavin mcinnes did NOT post this


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Neck yourself Loud House pedo.


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"lunamedia" is a scizo pedophile who has a fetus fetish that shat up the soycraft chat on and off for months, but recently tried to clear the negative stigma under a new persona "imagemrald media" after they obsessively spammed "luna loud will give birth" and variations thereof on soycraft, reslting in many players ganging up spawnkilling and trapping them

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>Carmela can you please shut the DOOOOOOOOR


The Sopranos is an accurate portrayal of the average Italian-American family (minus the mob stuff)


tony go up

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Why are Trixie fans always so fucking deranged? Every single god damn one of them.


Moved to >>>/qa/131125.

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>nooooooo not the hecking nazirinos in my furry fetish cartoon
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Marge. What is going on? What are they talking about?


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built for BBC


I shut brix and that logged my ip didn't it?


it does not contain malware. It goes on fullscreen and an alert message


probably, rip o7

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Zoomers don't know quality


Nigga Saturn

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Anyone here likes Horrorcore?


only middle schoolers like that shit so not really


A middle schooler from which year?


Idk but when I was in charge of an extracurricular club some of the 8th graders liked corpse party and stuff like that, which I did play a little bit of. RPG maker horror games are pretty good, my favorite was .flow. I think you might like it.

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/muv/ AHEM, /mtv/ is back and there's no COMFY 'RUNE THREAD ON THE 'LOG so I'm making one. In this thread we talk about Deltarune and Undertale or something a game known for having 0 trannies and faggots in it's fanbase, only gigachad aryans play this game. Starting it off with this IASsy Spamton who is my favorite, what is your favorite character from the 'rune or the 'tale?
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troon game


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troon game even doe susie will breed with kris and not be a cringe dyke

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